On motion of Mr. Swarth, seconded by Mr. Storer, the election of Mr. E. W. Nelson to Honorary membership in the Club was unanimously approved by the Northern Di- vision. A letter from Dr. A. K. Fisher announc- ing the celebration 6f the seventieth birth- day of Mr. John H. Sage on April 20 led to a motion which was unanimously carried that a congratulatory telegram be sent by the Northern Division. Messrs. Swarth and Storer were appointed a committee to carry out the Club's wishes. Mr. Storer reported that House Bill 2612, an enabling act to carry out the Canadian Treaty for protecting migratory birds, was up for consideration, and personal letters to representatives were urged. Business of the evening having been dis- posed of, the Club listened with pleasure to a paper by Pro'lessor James T. Allen on "Birds in Ancient Greek Literature and Art." Much interest was shown in the an- cient history of ornithology in the apt de- scriptions quoted from Homer, Hesiod, Aris- tophanes and Aristotle. Dr. T. S. Palmer then made a plea ..for broader historical study in connection with ornithology, particularly in the study of the ornithology of California. An exact knowl- edge of the lives of early collectors in the state would solve many questions of locality and nomenclature. Before adjournment, the President ap- pointed Messrs.. Bryafit and Wright as the committee to investigate the question of crude oil and the destruction of bird-life. Adjourned.--AMELiA S. ALLEN, Secretary. MAY.--The May meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held at the home o'f the Secretary at 3:30 r. M., May 13, 1917. Dr. Evermann called the meeting to order with the follow- ing members and friends in attendance: Messrs. Carriger, Davis, Evermann, Grin- nell, Hansen, Holman, Lastreto, Morley, Smith, Steinmetz, Swarth, Wright; Mesdames Alien, Culver, Ferguson, Grin- nell, Gunn, Kelley, Kluegel, Knappen, Lom- bardi, Schlessinger, Swezey. The visitors were: Mr. Allen, Mrs. Essenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Kibbe, Mrs. Morley, Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Smythe, Miss Straight, Mrs. Swarth, Master George Swarth and Miss Kelley. After the reading of the April minutes of the Northern Division and voting their ap- proval, the April applicants, Mrs. Edwin T. Blake, Mrs. A. H. Cole, Mrs. Bessie W. Kibbe, and five others whose names were proposed at the March meeting of the South- ern Division were elected to membership. Mr. Lastreto reported for the committee appointed to investigate the killing of sup- posedly obnoxious birds in Golden Gate Park. The committee had agreed to report as really destructive the Cooper and the Sharp-shinned Hawks, but to ask that the Kingfishers, Owls and Red-tailed Hawks be protected. Correspondence with the police having proved unsatisfactory, the committee had written to Mr. John McLaren, Superin- tendent of the Park. In the absence of Dr. Bryant, Mr. Lastreto reported the activity of the joint committee of the Cooper Club and the Audubon Association of the Pacific with regard to the control o crude oil on the Pa- cific. Dr. Grinnell then gave a talk on "The Birds of Death Valley", presenting many in- teresting problems of migration and adapta- tion. After adjournment members of the Club went for a walk in Strawberry Canyon. --AMELIA S. ALLEN, Secretary. S(UTHERN DIVISION APRIL.--Regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division was held at the Museum of History, Science and Art, April 27, 1917. President Miller 6fficiated, with other mem- bers in attendance as follows: Appleton, Brown, Bishop, Daggett, Holland, Little, Nokes, Wyman and Shepardson. Mr. Han- naford was a visitor. Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved, followed by reading of min- utes of the other Divisions. On motion of Dr. Nokes, seconded by Mr. Brown, the ap- plicants whose names were presented at the March meeting, were elected. New names were presented as follows: Dr. William Henry Bergtold, 1159 Race St., Denver, Colo.; Henry O. Havemeyer, 129 Front St., New York City; Frank Charles Hennessey, 457 Albert St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; . Charles F.. Jenney, 100 Gordon Ave., Hydh Park, Mass.; Harold L. Madison, Curator Park Museum, Providence, R. I.; and Joseph Welsh, Pasadena Hardware Co., Pasadena, Calif.; all presented by W. Lee Chambers; A. W. Hannaford, R. R. 9, Box 7.00, Los Ange- les, by D. I. Shepardson; Harry V. Johnson, R. R. 1, Escondido, Calif., by A.M. Inger- soll; Mrs. Eugene W. Leach, 736 Wisconsin St., Racine, Wis., by Wright M. Pierce. There being no other business matters for considexation, the members informally dis- cussed bird matters and inspected a series of skins of the duck family. Adjourned.---
L. E. WYMAN, Secretary.