many miles from pine timber. A few were collected. A few days later they were seen at Warm Springs. Carpodacus cassini. Cassin Purple Finch. Noted at Sisters and on Mill Creek in the Cascades northwest of Warm Springs. In the pine timber at Foley Creek they were very common. Carodacus mexicanus frontalis. House Finch. Common near settlements. Out- numbers the English Sparrow in many Columbia River towns. Loxia curvirostra minor Crossbill. Flocks were seen in the Cascade foothills west of Warm Springs and they doubtless breed extensively in the Transition zone of the eastern slopes. A nest and one egg with the parent female was taken at Sisters on July 24, 1914, by Jewerr, as recorded in The Auk. Spinus pinus. Pine Siskin. In April and May roving flocks are often met with in the open country far from timber. Pooecetes gramlneus confinis. Western Vesper Sparrow. This bird is typical of the bunch-grass country and is plentiful in northern Sherman and Wasco counties. I also noted it in fewer numbers in the grazing district of Crook County. Passerculus sandwichensis alaudinus. Western Savannah Sparrow. A specimen was taken by Jewett at Haycreek on May 15, 1915. Astragali. nus tristis pallidus. Pale Goldfinch. In August these birds were abund- ant at the mouth of the Deschutes, but in spring and early summer they were noted only at Willows and Haycreek. Chondestes grammacus strigatus. Western Lark Sparrow. This species was not noted in abundance in any part of the region worked. It was fairly common near the Columbia River in parts of Sherman and Wasco counties, and a few were observed at Haycreek and on the plains north of Warm Springs Agency. Zonotrichia leucophrys gainbell. Gambel Sparrow. Common in the brush thick- ets of the valleys, and frequently seen also on the sage-brush plains during early spring. Zonotrichia coronata. Golden-crowned Sparrow. On April 29, 1915, I collected a specimen from a small flock that was feeding in the underbrush of a grove along a creek near Warm Springs. Spizella passerina arizonae. Western Chipping Sparrow. One of the most widely distributed birds o'f this region. Common in towns, on ranches, and in the timber belts of both the Cascades and Blue Mountain foothills. Quite plentiful on the mixed sage and juniper flats, but on the sage deserts replaced by the next species. Spizella breweri. Brewer Sparrow. A typical bird of the Upper Sonoran life zone. Found abundantly on the open sage-brush and juniper flats. Their nests are built in sage or buck-brush and are composed largely of shredded sage bark, lined with fine dry grass and horse hair. Junco byemalls hyemalis. Slate-colored Junco. Taken by Jewerr at the mouth of the Deschutes on April 12, 1915 (CoDo, xv, p. 21). Junco hyemalis shufeldtL Shufeldt Junco. Both J. h. shufldti and J. h. thurberi occur in this region, but as their ranges are not yet well worked out I have included all under the former name. Juncos were noted in April and May in the thickets near the Columbia River at the mouth of the Deschutes and at Willow Creek. Plentiful in the lower Blue and Cascade mountains and in parts of the Deschutes National Forest. On May 7, a nest containing four eggs was collected on Mill Creek northwest of Warm Springs. Amphispiza nevadensis nevadensis. Sage Sparrow. Fairly common in the sage desert from the Columbia River south. Melospiza melodia merrilli. Merrill Song Sparrow. Common along streams in both the open country and in the timber. Melospiza lincolni lincolni. Lincoln Sparrow. I collected a specimen at Maupin on April 22, and another at Haycreek on May 12, 1915. Both were on shrub-bordered streams. asserella iliaca (subsp.?).. On April 30, 1915, I collected one of the northern sub- species of the Fox Sparrow in a brushy cottonwood grove at Warm Springs. asseeUa iliaca schistacea. Slate-colored Sparrow. Noted as more or less com- mon at Warm Springs and in the pine timber at Foley Creek. Early in May they were
plentiful in the timber along Mill Creek on the Warm Spring Indian Reservation, fre-