ing heavily incubated eggs was found. At Silver Lake a Long-eared Owl was found dead on her nest in a clump of willows in Paulina Marsh. Asio flamrneus. Short-eared Owl. A pair of these birds was noted May 18, 1913, in the sage and bunch-grass country south oT Grass Valley, in Sherman County. Otus asio macfarlanei. MacFarlane Screech Owl. I xamined two screech owls that had been shot in December, 1914, and mounted by Mrs. A. Osborne on the Moody Ranch at the mouth of the Deschutes. During April, 1915, Jewett collected two of these owls on Bake-oven Creek near Maupin. Bubo virginianus pallescens. Western Horned Owl. A pair of breeding birds was collected by Jewett at Haycreek and he also noted the species at Maupin and Prineville. In June, 1913, a bird was seen in the yellow pine timber between Sisters and the Des- chutes River. Jewett collected specimens of this owl at Sisters during August, 1914. Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea. Burrowing Owl. Noted at Willows, Grass Valley, Antelope, and Gateway in the breeding season, but at no place could it be called abund- ant. Ceryle alcyom Belted Kingfisher. Common on the Deschutes River and Willow Creek and probably occurs along other suitable streams. On the Miller Ranch at the mouth of the Deschutes, a pair nest yearly in a clay bank near the ranch buildings sev- eral hundred feet from water. Dryobates villosus monticola. Rocky Mountain Hairy Woodpecker. On May 21, 1915, Jewett collected this species at Foley Creek in the mountains east of Haycre9k. Specimens of Dryobates were taken on Mill Creek, but were not typical monticola. Xenopicus albolarvatus. White-headed Woodpecker. This species was met with in the yellow pine timber south of Bend, at Foley Creek, and at Sisters. At the latter place it was quite common; several were noted in the town. Sphyrapicus thyroides. Williamson Sapsucker. A specimen taken by Mr. Jewerr at Foley Creek Ranch on May 21 contained a fully developed egg. Asyndesmus lewisi. Lewis Woodpecker. Fairly common in Wasco and central Crook counties preferring the more open country with scattered pine, juniper or oak. Noted at Foley Creek, and in the canyon of Bake-oven Creek there was every indication that they nested in the numerous dead cottonwood snags. I found this species very common west of The Dalles, nesting in cavities in oaks in the vicinity of farm buildings. Colaptos carey collaris. Red-shafted Flicker. Tolerably common wherever there are suitable nesting sites. In some localities they nest in dirt holes in the sides of coulees. Phalaenoptilus nuttalli nattalli. Poor-will. No specimens were taken by me on any of my trips in this region; but on Gordons Ridge in Sherman County, and at The Dalles I heard their notes well into the night. Taken by Jewett at The Dalles in 1912.
Chaetura vauxi. Vaux Swift. In June, 1913, a 'few of these birds were seen flying
about the cliffs west of The Dalles. Selasphorus rufus. Rufous Hummingbird. A few were noted at Sisters and on the Warm Springs Reservation. A specimen was taken at Warm Springh Agency. Stellula calliope. Calliope Hummingbird. This species was taken at Foley Creek on May 21, 1915. Tyrannus tyrannus.. Kingbird. Two adults and four well grown young of the Eastern Kingbird were seen July 24, 1914, at the mouth Of the Deschutes on the Wasco County side of the river. One adult and two of the young were collected. The following day one of the remaining birds was seen feeding on the edge of an alfalfa field on the Sherman County side. Tyrannus verticalis. Western Kingbird. An bundant and ever present species ill the more open country of north-entral Oregon, particularly in the neighborhood of ral[ches and cultivated areas. Noted only sparingly in the unsettled country between Silver Lake and Prineville. Myiarchus cinerascens cinerascens. Ash-throated Flycatcher. A specimen was collected on May 27, 1913, on a sage and juniper flat near Redmond. In June, 1913, I again noted the species at Sisters and at The Dalles. S.G. Jewerr has recorded it from Prineville (Co.Do, xwn, p. 21). Sayornis sayus. Say Phoebe. A common bird in the open country except in the Silver Lake and Fort Rock regions.
Myiochanes richardsoni richardsoni. Western Wood Pewee. An example was