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THE CONDOR Vol. XIX Johnson, Dr. Myrtle E., National City. 1908. Jonas, Coloman, 1023 Broadway, Denver, Colo. 1910. Jones, Dr. Lynds, Museum Oberlin Coll., Oberlin, Ohio. 1911. Jordan, A. H. B., Everett, Wash. 1911. Jordan, Dr. David Starr, Stanford Univer- sity. 1902. Judson, W. B., 826 Washington Bldg., Los Angeles. 1894. Julien, Lillian M., Yreka, Siskiyou Co. 1901. Kaeding, Geo. L., Battle Mountain, Nevada. 1903. Kelley, Harriet P., 929' Oxford St., Berke- ley. 1917. Kellogg, Louise, Box 371, Suisun. 1911. Kellogg, Ralph T., Silver City, New Mexico. 1916. Kellogg, Prof. Vernon L., Stanford Univer- sity. 1901. Kendall, J. N., Botanical Bldg., Univ. Cal., Berkeley. 1915.

  • Kennard, Frederic H., Dudley Road, New-

ton Centre, Mass. 1911. Kennedy, C. H., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. 1912. Kermode, F., Provincial Museum, Victoria, B.C., Canada. 1911. Keyes, Prof. Chs. R., Mt. Vernon, Iowa. 1900. Kimball, H. H., Long Beach. 1909. King, Harold L., Box 92, Searchlight, Neva- da. 1915. King, Hazel, 1898 Broadway, San Francisco. 1914. Kitchin, E. A., 4014 N. 35th St., Tacoma, Wash. 1917. Kittredge, Joseph, Jr., U.S. Forest Service, Missoula, Montana. 1915. Kluegel, Mrs. Edw. A., 2623 Le Conte Ave., Berkeley. 1916. Knappen, Nellie C., 2844 Webster St., Berke- ley. 1916. Knickerbocker, Chas. K., 445 N. Sacramento Ave., Carpenter Sta., Chicago, Ill. 1905. Knowlton, Dr. F. H., U.S. Nat. Museum, Washington, D.C. 1910. Kofoid, Prof. C. A., Zool. Dept., Univ. Cal., Berkeley. 1909. Kohler, Louis S., 98 Watsessing Ave., Bloom- field, N.J. 1909. Kretzman, Prof. P. E., Concordia College, 1230. St. Anthony Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 1914. Kuser, John Dryden, Bernardsville, N.J. 1912. Kuykendall, W. A., Eugene, Lane Co., Ore- gon. 1916. Labarthe, Jules, Hobart Bldg., San Fran- cisco. 1914. LaJeunesse, H. V., 1340 Broadway, Alameda. 1916. Lamb, Chester C., 946 S. Broadway, Los An- geles. 1899. Lancashire, Mrs. J. H., 1069 5th Ave., New York City. 1911. Lane, Geo. W., Morgan Hill 1914. Lastreto, C. B., 260 California St., San Fran- cisco. 1913.

  • Law, J. Eugene, 1834 E1 Cerrito Place, Hol-

lywood. 1900. Law, Laura Beatty, 1834 E1 Cerrito Place, Hollywood. 1915. Layne, J. Gregg, 232 S. Spring St., Los An- geles. 1912. Lelande, H. J., Court House, Los Angeles. 1897. Leopold, Aldo, Gas & Electric Bldg., Albu- querque, New Mexico. 1916. Lewis, L. Alva, 809 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. 1912. Libby, Gretchen L., 214 E. Victoria St., San- ta Barbara. 1911. Ligon, J. Stokley, Box 131, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1914. Liliencrantz, H. T., Rancho Las Cimas, Hol- lister. 1916. Lindsay, Dr. D. Moore, 808 Boston Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. 1915. Lings, G. H., 208 Piedmont Ave., Nyack, N. Y. 1913. Linton, C. B., 125 W. Ocean Ave., Long Beach. 1906. Litsey, John B., Jr., 1722 Alston Ave., Fort Worth, Texas. 1911. Little, Etta V., 413 E. Hadley St., Whittier. 1914. Little, Luther, Sierra Madre. 1914. Littlejohn, Chase, Redwood City. 1901. Loel, Mrs. Fred J., 17 S. 1st St., San Jose. 1917. Lombardi, Ethel, 2331 Le Conte Ave., Berke- ley. 1916. Loomis, Leverett M., Cal. Acad. Sciences, San Francisco. 1902. Lorlng, J. Alden, Owego, Tioga Co., N.Y. 1914. Love, Chas. A., 3353 22nd St., San Francisco. 1901.' Love, Guy, R. D. 5, Oberlin, Kansas. 1913. Lueddemann, Frieda, Box 105, Los Gatos. 1914. Lund, Henry J., 526 Spencer Ave., San Jose. 1916. Lusk, Richard D., Winkelman, Arizona. 1915. Luther, Clarence H., 8 Mcllroy Bldg., Fa-

yetteville, Ark. 1909.

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