THE CONDOR Vol. XlX whose names were presented at the Janu- ary 'meeting. Mr. Paul J. Hartman, Los Angeles, was presented for membership by W. Lee Chambers. Mr. Willett, who has spent several weeks recently in the Sacramento Valley, reports that in the vicinity of rice fields the wild ducks are dying in great numbers, from feeding on that grain. He stated also that the "Tule Goose", apparently new to sci- ence, has long been known to hunters of north-eastern California. Dr. L. B. Bishop read some interesting notes on the discov- ery of the nest of the Tennessee Warbler in New Brunswick. Adjourned.--L. E. WYMAh , Secretary. MAI{CH.--The regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division was held at the Mu- seum of History, Science, and Art. Presi- dent Miller was in the chair, with the fol- lowing members in attendance: Messrs. Appleton, Brown, Bishop, Colburn, Cham- bers, naggert, Dickey, Hanna, Holland, How- ard, Howell, Lam b, Law, Layne, Rich, Rit- tenhouse, Willett, and Vyman; and Mrs. Law. Mrs. Howard, and Mrs. and Miss Brouse were visitors. The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved, followed by read- ing of the January and February minutes of the Northern Division. Paul J. Hartman, of Los Angeles, was elected to membership. The following new names were presented: Robert R. Redington, Wilmington, Del., by Wharton Huber; Helen DeLange, La Jolla, Calif., by C. O. Esterly; J. Alden Thompson, Bend, Ore., by S. G. Jewett; Oscar F. Schae- fer, Flagstaff, Ariz., by W. Leon Dawson; Geo. R. Gartrell, Summerland, B.C., by J. A. Munro; and the following names, which have already been presented to the North- ern Division: C. R. Smith, San Francisco; Mrs. Harriett P. Kelley, Berkeley, and Miss Emma W. Ward, Alameda. The Executive Committee presented the names of Grinnell and Swarth, Law and Chambers, for re-elec- tio as Editors and Business Managers, re- spectively, of THE CONNOR. On motion by Mr. Willerr, seconded by Mr. naggert, these gentlemen were unanimously re-elected. President Miller submitted the following: "We, the undersigned, members of the Cooper Ornithological Club, hereby propose for honorary membership in the Club, Mr. lg. W. Nelson, of Washington, D.C. "Our reasons for wishing so to recognize Mr. Nelson's ornithological work are as fol- lows: The candidate is Chief of the Bureau of Biological Survey, Department of Agri- culture. It was chiefly through his efforts that the Biological Survey has the finest and largest collection of Mexican birds in the world. He is undoubtedly the foremost authority on the habits and life of the birds of Mexico. He has done a great amount of 'field work and collecting within the bor- ders of our state, and has added largely to the knowledge of the birds of California. "We believe that the election of Mr. Nel- son to honorary membership is but a just expression of appreciation of his services to ornithology." Signed: A. B. Howell, W. Lee Chambers, J. Eugene Law, L. E..Wy- man. On motien by Mr. naggert, seconded by Mr. Dickey, Mr. Nelson was unanimously elected to honorary membership. Business disposed of, an hour o informal discussion of bird matters followed. Ad- journed.--L. E. W.rAX, Secretary. INTERMOUNTAIN CI{APTER JANU^Y.--Meeting was called to order at 8:20 r. . There were present: Dr. D. Moore Lindsay, J. Sugden, Dr. J. H. Paul, F. W. Chambers, A. O. Treganza, J. A. Sugden, A.D. Mullen and Ashby D. Boyle. Presi- dent Paul was in the chair. Reading of min- utes of the December meeting was deferred until the February meeting. Dr. J. H. Paul reported upon a conference bad by him with the Commissioners of Salt Lake City relative to action by the city to- ward the extermination of the English spar- row. The Commissioners present declared themselves, according to the report, favor- ably inclined and asked the Doctor to so notify Commissioner Green. It was moved and seconded that the secretary compile an article on the extermination of the English sparrow from data to be submitted by the individual members of the club, and publish the same under the name of the Chapter. It was moved and seconded that Dr. Paul's report be accepted and that he be urged to continue the work. Mr. Treganza reported the result of a call made by Dr. Paul and himself upon Governor Barnberger to dis- cuss the appointment of the State Game Commissioner. The official recommenda- tions of Mr. Chambers, retiring State Game Commissioner, were read and officially ap- proved by the club. Meeting adjourned at 10 r. M.--A. D. BOYLE, Secretary. FEBRUARY.--Meeting was called to order at 8:30 r. M. There were present: Dr. J. H. Paul, F. W. Chambers, J. Mullen and Ashby D. Boyle. President Paul was in the
chair. Dr. Paul read to the meeting a for-