For tale, Exchange ariel. Want Column. Any CoOler Club member is entitled to one
advertising notice in each issue free. Notices of over ten lines will be charged for at the rate of ten cents ler line. For this delmrtment, address W. LzE CHAXRERS, lagle Roc!, Los Angeles County, California WXLL EXCHANGE Vol. X, no. 1, BirchLore, for Index for Vol. x and no. 4; or for Index and Vol. w, no. 6; or for Vol. v, Fern Bulle- tin.--B. F. CASE, Tollang, Conn. WATEr-For cash: The Flora of Wash- ington, by C. V. Piper: Contributions U.S. National Herbarium, vol. 11.--WaLTrR P. TAYLOR, 1428 Perry Place, 3l. W., Washing- ton, D. C. EXCnAaE--I want the following Birc Lores with the Fuertes group plates: vol. 7, no. 1, vol. 9, no. 5; also the last five years of the Auk. Offer in exchange, large list of ornithological publications; N. A. Fauna se- ries; rare Alaskan bird skins, or cash if necessary.--GEo. G. CANTWELL, Puyallup, Wash. WNEO---"Common Birds of Town and Country", published by the National Geo- graphic Society in 1915.--J. L. SLOANAS, Kalispell, Montana. BL-Bra---Published in co-operation with The Cleveland Bird-Lovers' Association, and devoted to Birc Stud/y anc Conservation; $1.00 a year; 10 cents a COlby; Agents Want- eg. Address ETOR Brr-Bxav, 1010 Avenue, Clevelang, Ohio. I WA? one copy each of "The Blue Bird", vol. 6, nos. i and 2, published at Cincinnati, Ohio; edited by Dr. Eugene Swope.--W. LEE CnAu .rs, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, C<zliornia. WE--Good photos of any ad all birds found in Cali/ornia, their nests, eggs, and nesting sites. Will lmy cash or give good exchange in bird skins.--EuwAv WLL. San Bernargino, California. FOR SALE--Photographs and lantern slides, lJlain or colored, of birds, nests and eggs, and flowers.---THoMAs H. JACKSON. $04 Franklin t., West Cheste, Pa. FOR SE--Comllete files of Co.or and Bir&Loe; also duplicates of Auk, vols. to 30.----LAUREN TREMJPER, J6 '. Dewey Philagelphia, Pa. WaTEr--Good lantern slides of birds. I have a small exchange lit of the same, or will pay reasonable cash price.---J. SnOANAER, Kalispell, Montana. AVIFAUN AXII Will be out about May 1 We are b6oking orders now W. Lee Chambers, Business Manager,
Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, California