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Vol. XlX namely, acceptance of data from non-author- itative sources. It goes without saying that the validity of any wide generalization de- pends upon the soundness of the mass of facts upon which such generalization be based. The estimony of casual field ob- servers must be uncompromisingly excluded, until it be known that they are qualified to furnish authentic information. This, we realize, will mean a departure from the custom heretofore prevalent in many coun- tries where data is being assembled on bird migration and distribution. But, in the in- terests of scientific exactitude, some such rule must be followed rigidly, if a high standard of output is to be striven for. There can be no doubt that extensive ac- cumulations of statistical data bearing on bird population, and its modifying influ- ences, are greatly worth while. Inferences of wide economic importance are sure to come. And of all the institutions now in ex- istence, only a Government Bureau can be expected to handle an undertaking of such magnitude. Our adverse comments, as above, apply only to a detail of method.-- J. GRINNELL. CONSERVATION OF OUR ] WILD BIRDS I METII- ODS OF ATTBACTING I AND INCREASING TIrlE NUMIERS OF USEFUL ] IIRDS AND TIlE I ESTAI- LISIMENT OF SANCTUABIES I By I BBADFOID A. SCUDDER I "' I Issued by the I Massa- chusetts Fish and Game I Protective Asso- ciation I 748 Tremont Building I Boston; 71 pp., illustrated. Price 50 cents. Our copy received October 30, 1916. During recent years there has been a great deal written on the conservation of wild life, but only a small proportion of the books and papers which have appeared have dealt with the subject in a concrete manner and given definite and usable information. The pres- ent paper is distinctly practical. It de- s'ribes in an authoritative yet simple man- ner some of the means which can be used in Massachusetts for "attracting and in- creasing the numbers of useful birds". Following the brief "Introduction" in which are set forth the several ways in which birds are useful to man, the causes of their decrease and the means which have been used to conserve them, the following subjects are considered, a chapter being de- Voted to each: "Birds that we should encour- age to nest about our country homes", "Nest- ing boxes", "Nesting houses", "Bird baths", "Winter feeding of birds", "Berry and seed bearing trees and shrubs", and "Enemies of wild birds". Finally there is a "Bibliogra- phy of works pertaining to birds and the out-of-doors". The pamphlet should prove useful to bird lovers in the New England states and haa something of value, in suggestions at least, for western students.--TuAcY I. STORER. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS NORTHERN DIVISION NOVEBEB.--The November meeting of the Northern Division was called to order by Vice-president Carriger, at 8 P.M., Novem- ber 16. As the Secretary was late, business was deferred and Dr. Grinnell was intro- duced. He gave a most interesting talk on "Birds and Bird People of San Bernardino". The personel of the new branch of the Coo- per Club, which is being organized in San Bernardino, with their varied interests and abilities, was no less interesting than the account of the birds of the cactus and sage- brush belts of Reche Canyon. No doubt the future work of the branch will command much attention. After some discussion of Dr. Grinnell's paper, the business of the evening was dis- patched. The minutes of the October meet- ing of the Northern Division were read and approved, and those of the Southern Divi- sion were read. Mrs. Frances Webster Fish and Mr. Frank J. Steinmetz were elected to membership, and several proposals from the Southern Division were read. About thirty members and visitors were present, among whom were. Messrs. Grin- nell, Bryant, Carriger, Evermann, Hansen, Swarth, Wright, Cohen, Dixon, Stone, Ray, Heinemann and Kendall; Mesdames Grin- nell, Newhall, Knappen, Fe'rguson, Swarth, Sweezy, Schlisinger, Parsons, Fish, Allen and Wythe. Miss Ferguson. Mrs. Newhall, Mr. Schlisinger, Mrs. Ray and Mr. Thomas were among the visitors. Several items of interest with regard to birds were presented: a Florida Gallinule was reported as wintering in Golden Gate Park, by Mr. Hansen; a Townsend Solitaire has been seen repeatedly on the University Campus by Miss Wythe; a beautiful speci- men of a Snowy Owl just received at the Museum from Del Norte County, California, was exhibited by Mr. Bryant. Instances of nesting Valley Quail becoming very tame, and also of others nesting in trees, were related and discussed. The meeting adjourned for informal dis-

Cussion.--AMELIA S. ALLEN, Secretary.

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