61 47. Melospiza melodia santaecrucis. Santa Cruz Song Sparrow. Abundant; probably next to the Nuttall Sparrow in point of numbers among the native birds. 48. Melospiza melodia pusillula. Salt Marsh Song Sparrow. Resident in marshes of the southeastern part o the county; range extends north to Islais Marsh. 49. Pipilo maculatus falcifer. San Francisco Towhee. Common; many nesting records. 50. Zamelodia melanocephala capitalis. Pacific Black-headed Grosbeak. Rare; seen only occasionally in summer. Young birds were noted in Golden Gate Park by Storer. 51. Passeelna amoena. kazuli Bunting. Rare; a pair was observed by J. R. Pemberton at Eighteenth and Ashbury streets, carrying nesting materials, during the latter part of May and the early part of June, 1915. Mr. Pemberton writes us that he left the city on June 10th and had not found the nest at that time. 52. Petrochelidon lunifrons lunifrons. Clif Swallow. Nesting colonies were discovered on a barn south of the Potrero District, June 7, 1916; also at Good Brothers Dairy on Corbett Road, June 21, 1916. 53. Riparia HpaHa. Bank Swallow. Hundreds breed in the cliffs of Lake Mer- ced, and a few along the ocean cliffs. 54. Hiedndo eeytheogaster. Barn Swallow. A nest was found in a Earage at In- gleside Beach, June 16, 1916. It is not abundant in the breeding season. 55. I. anius ludovicianus [lambeli. California Shrike. Resident in limited num- bers in the southwestern part of the county. One nest found at Ingleside Golf Links. 56. Vireos1va gilva swainsoni. Western Warbling Vireo. Not common, but seen often enough in summer to make the nesting of the species in the county probable. 57. Vieeo huttoni huttoni. Hutton Vireo. Not common. One was seen feeding a young bird in Golden Gate Park, May 1, 1916. 58. Veemivoea celata lutescens. Lutescent Warbler. Reported by Carriger to have bred on Strawberry Hill previous to 1906. If it nests in the park at present it is rare. 59. Dendeoica aestiva brewsteri. California Yellow Warbler. Common; many nesting records. 60. Geothlypis tHchas sinuosa. Salt Marsh Yellowthroat. Common; many nest- ing records. 61. Wilsonia pusilia chryseola. Golden Pileolated Warbler. Rather common; many young seen. 62. $alpinctes obsoletus obsoletus. Rock Wren. Breeds on the Farallon Islands. 63. Theomanes bewicki spilueus. Vigors Wren. Common; many nesting rec- ords. 64. Teoglodytes adon parkmani. Western House Wren. Rather rare; noted about the buildings in the western part of the park, May 30, 1916. Breeding probable. 65. Telmatodytes palustris paludicola. Tule -Wren. Resident in small numbers at Lake Merced. 66. Baeolophus inornatus inoenatus. Plain Titmouse. Rare; seen only occasion- ally in summer. One breeding record (Ray, Condor, vII, pp. 42-44). 67. Penthestes rufescens baHowl. Santa Cruz Chickadee. Not uncommon. We found several nests in the park and at Lake Merced. 68. Palteiparus minimus rainlinus. Coast Bush-tit. Common; many nesting rec- ords. 69. H1ocichla ustulata ustulata. Russet-backed Thrush. Rather common. Many nesting records. 70. Planesticus migeatorius peopinquus. Western Robin. Breeds in considerable numbers in Golden Gate Park and at Sutro Heights. Of the birds here listed some are certainly new arrivals. The Junco and the Pine Siskin have doubtless been induced to remain here and to nest because of the approximately boreal conditions brought about by the planting of trees. The Western Robin has not been noted as a breeding bird of the county until
the last year or so. It seems to be losing its wildness and to be seeking closer r,e-