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to a letter of inquiry Mr. Dawson says "there can be absolutely no doubt" that the birds he saw there July 21, 1912, were brooding birds. 10. Phalacrocorax peniclllatus. Brandt Cormorant. Breeds on the Farallon Islands. 11. Phalacrocorax pelagicus resplendens. Baird Cormorant. Breeds on the Far- allon Islands. -! ill 12. Anas platyrhynchos. Mallard. Breeds commonly in Golden Gate Park, and in limited numbers at other places in the county. A nest was found at Lake Merced, April 23, 1915. A careful count was made of the mallards in the park in the summer months and about two hundred, old and young, were found to be there as permanent res- idents. In winter the number is much larger. 13. Marlla afflnls. Lesser Scaup Duck. Breeds at Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park (Mailliard, Condor, xvii, p. 235). A brood of five young was noted by us at Stow Lake, August 1, 1916. 14. Erlsmatura jamaicensls. Ruddy Duck. Breeds at the Chain of Lakes and at Lake Merced. Many young noted. 15. Railus virginianus. Vir- ginia Rail. Noted at Lake Mer- ced throughout the breeding sea- son. Nesting very probable. 16. Fullca americana. Am- erican Coot. Common: long breeding season; young seen early in April and a nest with fresh eggs discovered August 10. 17. Oxyechus vociferus vo- ciferus. Killdeer. Not common. A few nest about the buffalo paddocks in Golden Gate Park; young seen there during the summer of 1916. 18. Phasianus orquatus. Ring-necked Pheasant. Breeds in Golden Gate Park unconfined. It also breeds in the open on Yerba Buena Island (Bryant, Caiif. Fish and Game, ii, p. 163). 19. Lophortyx californica callfornica. California Quail Abundant in Golden Gate Park and found in lesser numbers at other places in the county. Fig. 23. NEST or C.LIFORNIA QUAIL, WITH 23 EGGS, IN GOLDEN GATE PARK, SAN FRANCISCO. 20. Zenaidura macroura marginella. Western Mourning Dove. Not common, but found in small numbers in Golden Gate Park and in the southwestern part of the county. Young were seen in the Presidio and in Golden Gate Park the past summer. 21. Buteo borealis calurus. Western Red-tailed Hawk. Seen throughout the year about the Twin Peaks; probably nests in Sutro Forest. 22. Falco sparverlus sparverius. American Sparrowhawk. Seen throughout the year in the Presidio and about Sutro Forest. Breeding probable. 23. Aluco pratincola. American Barn Owl. Nest found in a cliff at Lake Mer-

ced, May 1, 1915. Another was found in a tank house at Twenty-fourth Avenue and Ful-

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