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Volume XlX lfarch-April, 1917 Number AN ANNOTATED LIST OF THE BIRDS OF' FREMONT COUNTY, IDAHO, AS OBSERVED DURING THE SUMMER OF 1916 By HENRY J. RUST WITH MAP AND TWELVE PHOTOS BY THE AUTHOR REMONT COUNTY, Idaho, lles south and cast of the center of the state, and is almost entirely confined between 110 and ] 13 W. Longitude, and 44 and 45 N. Latitude. The northern boundary, between this county and Montana, lies along the crest of the Rocky Mountains; on the east the comty extends to the Wyoming line. In recent years three counties have been created from the lower half of Fremont, cutting off a large portion of the great sage cov- ered plain which extends across the state in its widest part. A little over one- third of the county is covered with foothills and mountains from 6,000 to 10,000 feet in altitude; the balance is mostly sage covered .plains interspersed with roll- ing lava. The main ridge of the Rocky Mountains throws off numerous spurs, which, with their laterals, extend to the edge of the sage plains, forming many canyons and several large valleys. The largest stands of timber occur on the north and east exposures of these ridges. In the Itudsonlan zone th6 characteristic trees are the Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmanni) and the Alpine or balsam fir (Abies lasiocarpa) with some scattered Douglas firs (Pseudotsuga taxifolia). In the Canadian zone are Douglas fir and Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) with scattered Engelmann spruce and large groves of aspen which also extend well down into the Transition zone. The latter is covered to a great extent with sage brush ( Artemisia tridentata ) . Most of the streams have their sources near the heads of the canyons through

which they flow, and they are' lined with thickets of willow, red osier, choke cher-

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