Like other Jays the Coast Jays are unpopular with their neighbors and one morning I saw a pair of Black-headed Grosbeaks chase one up and down the winding stair of a dead tree, the irate female getting so close to him that it looked as if she pecked him on the back. In the neighborhood in which the Grosbeaks seemed so much at home, one was seen on a mossy log by the brook that ran through the woods, shaking its wings dry, and one on a delicate huck- leberry bush leaning over to pick off the red berries. They were seen a great deal in the spruces on the edges of the clearings and also well up in the high trees in the woods, and as they flew from tree to tree 'the white patch at the base of the wing quills and also the white tail coverts showed to advantage. The Grosbeaks were so often seen in the same trees with the Western Tan- agers, who bathed from the same brook, that the songs of the two had -to be distinguished. The Tanager's rough-edged song is totally different from the Grosbeak's best, most roundly modulated one, and when the Tanager's call-- pitic or pitcrick--is incorporated in his song as is often the case, it can be placed on the instant. When this is left out, however, the disjointed song with its pendulum rhythm closely resembling that of the Scarlet Tanager, may be confused with the poorest, roughest song of the Grosbeak. The red of the Tanager's head in the timber makes a good recognition mark, as I realized when catching a glint of red rods away through the woods; and on the outer edge of a spruce the yellow of his body gives a keen note of color, surprisingly pleasihg aainst its background of somber green. The yel- low shows as he flies up from one branch to another--one that I saw flew up and fluttered under a branch like a Kingletbut when he sits still with wings dropped the uncovered yellow of the back, as I was surprised to discover, loses its color, becoming just a light oblong patch quite detached from the form of the bird. The back of the female, an exqui'sitely harmonized bird with her greens and yellows, fades out of sight against a sunlit hemlock. Besides these Jays, Grosbeaks, and Tanagers, birds of striking voice and plumage, the woods held the thin-voiced Gairdner Woodpecker, noticeably blacker than the Downy, and the demure dull-colored Western Wood Pewee and Western Flycatcher, the grayish Pewee perching on a dead hemlock giving its gentle tu-weer and the Flycatcher with its dull yellow breast moving about in the greenery giving its soft se-wick. The small, characteristic beady note of the California Brown Creeper was detected, though the bird itself was not dis- covered. When watching the birds in the woods going and coming about their vari- ous matters, I often discovered a Rufous Hummingbird on a high watch tower, the very tip of a sliver projecting above a high stub, the animated brown mar- ble pointed with a needle swaying from si'de to side, the brown tail sometimes jetting in unison while the ken pin head eyes kept a vigilant outlook. Let an insect pass and out would dart the Hummer. Sometimes when watching he sat silent, sometimes he sang a squeaky little kick-ick-ick-ick-ah. As he sat on his watch tower a puff of wind once blew up one of the elongated ends of his bur- nished fiery gorget, showing its pattern. When the midget faced me for a moment the center of his flaming gorget looked almost black. The causes of some of his actions had to be guessed at. When hovering over a moist gummy spot on a spruce branch I imagined that he was looking for insects in the gum; and when, after acting as if about to alight on the bristly terminal spray of a
Sitka spruce, he flew off i'nstead, I suspected that the prickly needles had