An Annotated List of the Birds of Fremont County, Idaho, as Observed dur- ing the Summer of 1916 (with map and twelve photos )....Henry J. Rust 29 Some Notes on the Effects upon Bird Life, of the Corpus Christi Storm of August 18, 1916 .................................................. .I. ........................ _E. A. Sell 43 Birds of the Humid Coast (continued) ........................ Florence Merriam Bailey 46 A List of the Birds Breeding in San Francisco County, California (with four photos) ............................................ Harold E. Hansen and Walter A. Squires 54 Cographical Variation in Sphyrapicus thyroideus ........................ H. S. Swarth 62 An Abnormal Egg of Fulica americana (with one photo) Alexander Wetmore 65 Names of Writers on California Birds ................................................ T. S. Palmer 66 FROM FIELD AND STUDY The Number of Species and Subspecies of Birds in Texas ............................ ........................................................................................ Harry C. Oberholser 68 A New Record for California ............................................................... . L Glay 68 The Hooded Merganser in Stanislaus County, California Joseph Mailliard 68 A Diagram for Illustrating the Seasonal Shifting of the Bird Calendar (with one figure) ........................................................... , ....... .J. Grinnett 68 Notes on the Arizona Spotted Owl ................................................... .J.E. Law 69 Two Albino English Sparrows .................................................... W. L. Burnett 69 Is the California Woodpecker a Tippler? ................................ W. A. Squires 69 Concerning Two Forms of the Bryant Marsh Sparrow in California ........ ................................................................................................ Joseph Mailliard 69 The Arctic Horned Owl in the State of Washington ............... .J.H. Bowles 70 An Invasion of California by the Eastern Goshawk ................... .J. Grinnell 70 Del Notre County Bird Notes ................................................................ . L lay 71 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ................................................................................ 72 COMIIUNICATION ........................................................................................ H. Gifford 73 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED .................................................................................... 73 IIINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ................................................................ 74 lintered as second-class matter February, 1908, at the post-office at Angeles (Hollywood Station), California, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Issued from the Office of THE CONDOIt, First National Bank Building, Hollywood, California SEPARATES Separates of articles in THE CoNo will be furnished by TH NAC PRINTING COrANY, 171 W. Santa Clara St., San Jose, Calif., at the fol- lowing uniform rates. All orders for separates must acco,mpany manu- script when sent to the Editor of THE CONDO1% and be written plainly at the head of the article. No separates can be furnished gratis. No. of Copies 2 pages 4 pages 8 pages 12 pages 16 pages Cover and Title 25 $ .75 $1.25 $2.25 $3.50 4.50 .75 50 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00 5.00 1.00 75 1.15 1.75 2.75 4.50 5.50 1.25
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