43 100. Hylocichla fuscescens salicicola. Willow Thrush. Occurs sparingly in dense willow thickets in large open meadows. Noted at the outlet of Beaver Creek Can- yon, June g5, and at Camas Meadows, July 16. 101. Hylocichla guttara auduboni. Audubon Hermit Thrush. Fairly common in willow thickets near heads of canyons. Noted at head of Little Dry Creek Canyon, June 18. 102. Planesticus rnigratorius propinquus. Western Robin. Common throughout the county, nesting in trees and bushes in the vicinity of ranch buildings, and in thick- ets along mountain streams. A nest with three eggs was found in a service-berry bush along Little Dry Creek, June 11; one with four eggs on a limb near the base of a cot- tonwood tree at the Burnside ranch, June 14. 103. Sialia currucoldes. Mountain Bluebird. Occurs sparingly along footlftlls and in open canyons throughout the county. A nest containing three young able to fly was found in a hole in a fence post on the Burnside ranch, June 28. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, January 20, 1917. SOME NOTES ON THE EFFECTS UPON BIRD LIFE, OF THE CORPUS CHRISTI STORM OF AUGUST 18, 1916 By R. A. SELL IRDS are governed by instinct. Their actions are so dependent upon in- stinctive tendencies that they'are often unable to neet with success new and strange conditions. But is there any animal that does the best thing possible in a real emergency? How do horses and dogs behave at fires? Recall the peculiar things men and women do during storms and earth-quakes! It seems to be the nature of birds to lose self-control quickly in emergen- cy; yet there are some instances in which birds have been seen to act on the spur of the moment with such an insight and directness as could only be ex- pected from animals that are rated much higher in the scale of intelligence. While the panic of a chicken flying and squawking along in front of a team of horses rather than turning to one side is proverbial, there are many in- stances of the same kind of fowls defcnding their young with tact and cour- age, besides the innumerable instances of wild birds staying with their nests or dropping into the water during fires. Corpus Christi Bay is separated from the Gulf of Mexico by a chain of narrow sand-spits, and the passes connecting the two bodies of water are so shallow that it is necessary to keep a dredge at work continually in order to keep a channel open for the small boats that ply along the coast. Bird Island is a narrow sandy island so named because so many birds nest there that liter- ally acres of eggs are to be found there during the laying season. At. Rockport there is a double row of posts, nearly a mile long, the remains of an old pier, and this was a favorite resort for pelicans. One observer reports seeirg the entire line occupied by pelicans, a pelican to a post; in other words a double line of pelicans almost a mile long. At times these ungainly birds could be seen swinging themselves through the air and then awkvardly plung- ing down into the water only to flop out again with the fish, for they seldom miss. The first indication of the storm here of interest was a stiff north wind
and an ashen sky. There was no calm immediately preceding the storm, but