For lale, Exchange and Want Column.--Any Cooper Club member is entitled to one
advertising notice in each iseue free. Notices of over ten lines will be charged for at the rate of ten cents per line. For this department, address W. LEZ CraMnzas, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, Califor'nia. FOR SLE--Bird-Lore, volumes 4 to 17 with all indexes and plates; 14 complete vol- umes unbound; price $30.00.--ArurEr H. VILAS, Brackett Apts., Santa Barbara, Calif. FOR S_LE--Condor, vols. 1-3; Osprey, com- plete (both ets in original covers); Bulle- tin ToEroy Botanical Club, vols. 1-27, partly bound; Fisher's Hawks and Owls; Bird- Lore, vols. 1-5. Make me an offer for one or all of them.--F. H. KOWLTO.X, U.S. J7a- rionat Museum, Washington. D.C. FOR SALE OR EXCltA.XGE for best offer: American Ornithology, Bird Magazine, vols. 3, 4, 5, 6 complete; Museum, vol. 1 complete, vol. 2, nos. 1-10, vol. 3, nos. 1, 4, 5, 8-11; Journal Maine Orn. Soc., vols. 4, 5, 6 com- plete; and almost complete file of first 20 volumes of the Oologist.--F. k. BuEs, Ber- wyn, Pa. BLuE-BiEo--Published in co-operation with The Cleveland Bird-Lovers' Association, and devoted to Bird Study and Conservation; $1.00 a year; 10 cents a copy; Agents Want- ed. Address EDITOR BLUE-BIRD, 1010 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland. Ohio. Boons FoE S^LE--Fisher, A. K. Hawks and Owls of the U. tates in their Relation to Agriculture. A new, fine copy, 25 col. pls. Rare. Washn., 1893. $6.00. N. A. Fauna, no. 23, Idex Generum Mammallure: A List of the Genera and Families of Mam- mals by T. S. Palmer, pp. 984; 1904. $5.00. Coues, E. Handbook of Field and General Ornithology. A manual of the structure and classification of Birds. 112 illusts., 8vo, cloth, 343 pp. London, 1890. As new, $2.00. Coues, E. The Birds of the Colorado Val- ley. Contains the bibliography, pp. 567-784, invaluable to anyone forming a collection of ornithological books. Wash., 1878; origi- nal binding and in good condition, $4.00. Nidiologist, vol. l, $1.50; iii, $2.00; IV, $1.50. All new in parts as issued. This is one of the early publications in which Cooper Club papers were published.--W. LEE Cna-nrss, Eagle Rock. Los Angeles County, California. I W- one copy each of "The Blue Bird", vol. 6, nos. 1 and 2, published at Cincinnati, Ohio; edited by Dr. Eugene Swope.--W. LEE CIgEES, Eagle Rock. Los Angeles County, Cali[ornia. WAXXEV--GOOd photos Of any and all birds found in California, their nest eggs, and nesting sites. Will pay cash or give good exchange in bird skins.--Eowago WXLL, San Bernardino. California. WANa'E--Bird skins from the Western U.S. in exchange for Easrn skins. Kindly send list of duplicates d you will receive my list by retu ml.--J. A. Wrsa, Box 327, Palisades Park, rew Jersey. Foa SrPhotographs and lte slides, plain or colored, of bd nests d egg, and flower--THoMa H. JaCK, 0 Franklin t., West Choler, Pa. FOR SComlete files of ondor and Bird-Lore; to 30.--Lrr rr, 136 o. Dewey t., Philadelphia, Pa. Wrsd ltern slides of bds. I have a 1 exchge list of e me, or will ray renable ch price.--J. LOANER, Kalispell, Montana. FOR SrCondor, vol. 15, 16, 1; over 200 copie Oologist; al egg binet d Ithaca 20 g hot .J. H. Rrc, 77 W. Dakota t., Padena, CaliL NEWLY OUNO copy of Avifaun no. 1 to 6, to exchge for me unbound in ft- clas condition. Printer by mistake trimmed copie, while I desir them entire.--M RY, 220 Market t., an Francisco, Cali- nia. BIRDS---NESTS---EGGS The 0olois[ is one of the oldest publi- cations in the UnitedStates devoted to these. It is now in its thirty-third year. If you are interested, subscribe now. Only Fifty Cents per year. The Oologist,
Lacon, I11.