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VoL XlX by Mrs. J. T. Allen; Stanton Warburton, Jr., 1221 N. Fife St., Tacoma, Wash., by J. H. Bowles; and the nominees already present- ed in the Northern Division. There being no other business matters to be considered, the members listened to an account of unusual ornithological conditions on Forrester Island, Alaska, during the past summer, by Mr. Willett, and to an account of recent collecting experiences by Mr. Huey. Adjourned.--L. E. WYMAN, Secretary. NovEsrn.--Regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division, Cooper Ornithological Club, was held at the Museum of History, Science and Art, November 23, 1916. The following members were present: Messrs. Appleton, Brown, Colburn, Chambers, Dag- gett, Holland, Howell, Lamb, Miller, Ritten- house, Robertson, van Rossera, Wyman, and Mrs. Husher. Mrs. Robertson was a visitor. Minutes of the October meeting were read and approved. On motion by Mr. Lamb, sec- onded by Mr. Brown, the following persons were elected to membership: 'Mrs. Elizabeth H. Price, Mr. Walter A. Stafford, Miss Helen Gilkey, Mr. Ridley Holleman, Mrs. Marion Randall Parsons, and Mr. Stanton Warbur- ton. Names proposed, to be voted upon at next meeting, were as follows: Mrs. Mabel E. O'Farrel, 2403 F St., San Diego, by Laurence Huey; Frederick P. Shafer, care U.S. S. A1- Latross, San Diego, by A. L. Barrows; Wil- liana C. Boeck, Berkeley, by A. L. Barrows; C. Oscar Reis, 646 Juanita Ave., Los Ange- les, by I.D. Nokes; Robie W. Tufts, Wolf- ville, Nova Scotia, by A. E. Price; Roscoe Ivan Giles, 82 Newton St., Marlborough, Mass., by H. W. Carriger. On motion of Mr. Daggett, seconded by Mr. Lamb, Messrs. Howell and Brown were elected to serve as a committee to nominate officers for the coming year. Mr. Robert- son moved that Messrs. Brown and Wyman be appointed a committee to draft resolu- tions on the death of Dr. E. A. Mearns. Car- ried. Business disposed of, the usual informal discussion of bird topics followed. Adjourn- ed.--L. E. WYMAN, Secretary. SAN BERNARDIIgO CI-IAPTER The occasion of Dr. Grinnell's visit to the San Bernardino Valley was taken as an op- portune time for a gathering of members of the Cooper Ornithological Club who re- sided within forty miles of Colton. A meet- ing was accordingly called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson C. Hanna, 1000 Penn- sylvania Ave., Colton, on Thursday evening, November 2, 1916. M. French Gilman motored in from Ban- ning bringing with him as guests, Mrs. Gil- man, Miss Mabel Gilman, and also Dr. F. D. West of Beaumont. Wright M. Pierce, Hal- sted G. White, and H. Arden Edwards were present from Claremont, and Judge Edward Wall from San Bernardino. Dr. C. G. Wig- gins and Mr. J. R. Pemberton of Colton, both of whom brought their wives as guests, com- pleted the list of members present. Judge J. B. Hanna and wife, and Miss Tacfe Hanna, of Colton, were present as guests. This was the first opportunity some of the members had had for meeting Dr. Grinnell and each other. The first part of the even- ig was profitably spent in becoming ac- quainted and In telling of ornithological ex- periences. Much time was spent in viewing the elegant bird photos for which Mr. Pierce is famous, while the hand-painted pictures of birds' eggs, which Mr. Edwards displayed, were both attractive and exceed- ingly interesting. The large collection of photos taken in Arizona by Mr. Gilman would require, by themselves, more than a single evening to do them justice. Some time was spent in viewing the oological col- lections of Mr. Hanna. The guest of honor, Dr. Grinnell, gave an interesting talk in which he suggested sev- eral topics of a nature to investigate local- ly; he also told of the proper methods for keeping field notes. More information is needed concerning the breeding habits of some species, for example the Phainopepla , which is known to nest on the desert in February and which does not nest in this valley until June and July. Do these birds raise a brood in February on the desert and then migrate to this valley and raise an- other brood? There were so many questions to ask of Dr. Grinnell that his talk finally became a general discussion which was continued even while refreshments were being served. This meeting of kindred spirits proved to be so enjoyable that it was decided to have other gatherings. They will be known as meet- Ings of the San Bernardino Chapter of the Cooper Ornithological Club, and the next' one will be held December 5, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pemberton, 1170 N. 9th St., Colton. These meetings will in no way interfere with the Southern Division but will be for members in this immediate vicin- ity, though any one else interested is also invited to come.--W. C. HAiXNA, Secretary

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