Further Notes on the White-throated Swifts of Slover Mountain (with four
photos ............................................................................ Wilson C. Hanna 3 Birds of the Humid Coast ................................................. Florence Merriam Bailey 8 The Townsend Solitaire .............................................................. Forrest . Han[ord 13 Further Notes on the Birds of Forrester Island, Alaska .............. George Willerr 15 The Subspecies of Hesperipoo vcspertina (with three drawings) ................ ....................................................................................................... .Joseph (trinnell 17 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Western Belted Kingfisher Breeding in San Diego County, California ......................................................................................... N. K. Carlenter 22 Another Alaska Record for the Mourning Dove ................ George Willett 22 The Florida Gallinule in San Francisco County ........ Harold E. Hansen 22 The Valley Quail Occupying Nests of the Road-runner (with one photo) ...................................................................... Harold M. Holland 23 Game Bird Conditions in Sutter County, California ........ F. W. Henshaw 24 The Snowy Ovl in Humboldt County, California ...... Franklin J. mith 24 Western Grebe Breeding in Southern California .................... L D. 17okes 24 Notes on the Vestern Grasshopper Sparrow ................ J. R. Pemberton 24 The Baird Sandpiper in the State of ,Vashington ...... J. Hooper Bowles 25 Vermilion Flycatcher near Los Angeles .................................... L D. Nokes 25 How Does the Shrike Carry its Prey ........................................ C. O. Esterly 25 Notes on the California Jay in Humboldt County ...................... C. L Clay 25 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEVS ................................................................................ 26 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS .............................................................. 26 ntered as second-class matter February. 1908. at the post-office at Los Angeles (Hollywood SLation). California. under Act of Congress of llarch $. 1879. Issued from the Office of TH COIDOR. First National Bank Building. Hollywood. California I9I 7 Dues and Subscriptions ARE NOW PAYABLE Remember that both the business managers are closely occupied with their regular affairs and that there is no salary connected with ANY office of "THE CONDOR." $1.50 for U.S. Subscriptions $1.75 for Foreign Subscriptions $2.00 for U.S. Members $2.25 for Foreign Members W. LEE CHAMBERS, Bus. Manager
Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., Calif.