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In accordance with our notice in tile Marcfi-April CONDOR, the cash price of the Stockhold- ers' Edition, De Luxe, of "THE BIRDS OF CtLIFORNIA" was advanced on the first of June to $120, and all special prices on the other editions were withdrawn. Copies of the Stockholders' Editio may now be engaged upon the basis of twelxe quarterly pa3ments of Ten Dollars each, beginning July 1st, 1913. Thus the necessary advance in price is ina measure compensated by EASIER TERMS OF PAYMENT. Believing that members of the Cooper Ornithological Club, which is so generously support- ing us in this enterprise, are entitled to ex. ery courtesy which we can safely extend, aud knowing that present disappointment will entail life-long regret we have decided upon ANOTHER SPECIAL OFFER TO MEMBERS OF THE C, O, C. To Members appl3ing xvithin a reasonable length of time and enclosing an initial payment of Ten Dollars. we will forward a receipt for the first two installments of Ten Dollars each. That is, a member of the C. O. C. may now obtain his copy of the work for $110 instead of the current price of $120, or the final price of $150. The remainder, One Hundred Dollars, is to be paid precisely as in tile case of regular subscribers, in ten quarterly installments of Ten Dollars each, beginning January 1st, 1914. In order that you may decide wisely, as you must soon decide finally, let ns remind you of the VITAL CLAIMS OF THE STOCKHOLDERS' EDITION. The Stockholders' Fdition. De Luxe, of "The Birds of California" (in three volumes) will be limited to 250 copies, of which more than half are already engaged. It will be the handsomest bird-book ever printed in America, the best that purely mechanical process can produce plus sixty-three tull-page photographic inserts, the choicest of our consolidated collection. Some of these photographs will be exact duplicates of an art series which we are placing upon the market at prices ranging from $2.50 to $10 each; but most of them will be unique in the Stockholders' and Patrons' Editions. The COLOR SERIES by Allan Brooks will embrace all the plates published, just as many as go iuto the thousand-dollar edition. Through the renewed generosity of a certain patron we are enabled to announce 25 more color-plates by Brooks, making a total of 125 to date. We hope to double this. THE BINDING of the Stockholders' Edition will be the object of special care. It will be of full French Levant leather, fie choicest and the most durable the market affords, subscriber's choice of twelve colors, inlaid with bird designs in color, a joy and pride to every bird-and book-lover. The printed list of subscribers' names, bound in with Volume I, will perpetuate to all time the memory of those who were epecially identified with this ambitious project. In every ther specification these volrunes will be built to conform to the high standards indicated. If yon never bought an "expensive" set of books before, and if you never intend to again, indulge your taste "just once". ,Come in with us and help us to realize our dreams of a bird-book in which nature and art, experience and taste, information and inspiration shall con- spire together to produce a thing of beauty and a joy forever. One share (of the par value of $100) of the third and last allotment of the capital stock of The Birds of California Publishing Company will be issued, upon request, to each C. O. C. mem- ber subscribing for this edition, upon completion of the second ("third") payment on account, that of January 1st, 1914. Remember that advance payments are fully covered b 3 insurance on the author's life. This will be the last reduced rate offer of any sort (save the Sunset Edition at $100) made to the public in connection with "The Birds of California", and we submit that it deserves present attention. Please let us hear froIll you promptly. A card will bring the proper blanks. Faithfully yours, THE BIRDS OF CALIFORNIA PUBLISHING COMPANY [x, Lo l)wso] Santa Barbara. Cal.

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