Vol. XVII} Willard, F. C., nesting of the band-tailed pig- eon in southern Arizona, 110; on bicy- cle and afoot in the Santa Catalina Mountains, 156; notes on the golden eagle in Arizona, 200 Willet, 155, 188 Western, 102, 103, 110, 223 Wilsonia pusilla pileolata, 163 Woodpecker, Alaska Three-toed, 86 Alpi,ne Three-toed, 162 Ant;eating, 228 Arctic Three-toed, 162 California, 7 Cuban Green, 147 Cuban Ladder-backed, 147 Gairdner, 76 Golden-fronted, 189, 214 Harris, 76 Ladder-backed, 7 Lewis, 5 Northern Plicated, 32, 76, 162 Nuttall, 11 Red-bellied, 185 Rocky Mountain Hairy, 162 Texas, 189, 215 White-headed, 12 Yellow-bellied, 4 Wren, Auburn Canyon, 29, 33, 82 Bewick, 215 Cactus, 156, 175, 213, 215 Canyon, 152 Carolina, 151 Dotted Canyon, 22, 33, 82, 194, 198 Long-billed Marsh, 19 Marsh, 16, 18 Ridgway Canyon, 83 Rock, 6, 80 Seattle, 80 Short-billed, 20 Tule, 19, .20, 107, 226 Vigors, 226 Western House, 29 Western Winter, 80, 163 Wren-tit, 11, 12, 94 Coast, 80 Intermediate, 65 Wyman, L. E., early nesting of lutescent warbler in Los Angeles County, 169; notes from the vicinity of Los Ange- les, 203 Wythe, Margaret W., nesting of the Tolmie warbler in Yosemite Valley, 123 X Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, 34, 209 Xema sabini, 24 Xiphidiopicus percussus, 147
Yellowlegs, 15, 155, 183 Greater, 25, 168, 186, 188 Lesser, 186, 188 Yellowthroat, Maryland, 20, 151, 187 Pacific, 79 Salt Marsh, 226 San Francisco, 225 Western, 162 Zamelodia ludoviciana, 81 melanocephala, 78 Zenaidura macroura marginella, 210 Zenaida zenaida, 147 Zonotrichia albicollis, 29 coronata, 30, 78 leucophrys leucophrys, 28 leucophrys nuttalli, 78