Nov., 1916
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INDEX TO VOLUME XVIII . 249 Gray-cheeked, 237 Grey-bellied Red-legged, 150 Hermit, 19, 154 Monterey Hermit, 232 Russet-backed, 80, 227 Sierra Hermit, 28, 34, 182 Varied, 22, 80, 163, 200 Thryomanes bewicki calophonus, 80 bewicki spilurus, 226 Tiaris canora, 145, 149 Tit, Bridled, 214 Titmouse, Black-crested, 216, 218 Chestnutsbacked, 86 Plain, 11, 12 San Diego, 81 Tufted, 152 Todus multicolor, 148 Tody, Cuban, 148 Tolmarchus caudifasciatus, 148 Totanus flavipes, 171 - melanoleucs, 25, 168 Towhee, Abert, 210 Anthony, 94 California, 11, 225 Canyon, 156 Green-tailed, 194, 198 Oregon, 78 Spurred, 201 Toxostoma benditel, 213 crissale, 210 crissale palmeri, 213 lecontei, 219 redivivum pasadenense, 221 Trochilus alexandri, 13 Trogon, Cuban, 147 Troglodytes aedon parkmani, 29 mexicanus, 13 Troupial, Red and White-winged, 10 Turkey, Water, 24 Wild, 186 Turnstone, 155 Tyler, John G., the belted kingfisher win- tering in Fresno County, 86; migra- tion and field notes from Fresno County, California, 167; some birds of the Fresno district, California, supple- mentary notes, 194 Tyrannula nigricans, 12 saya, 12 Tyrannus tyrannus, 27, 162 verticalis, 27, 169, 212, 224 vociferans, 27, 128 Uria troille californica, 222 V Veery, 214 Vetdin, 129, 156, 218 Vermivora celata lutescens, 79, 225 luciae, 157, 212 rubricapilla gutturalis, 22, 86 Vireo, Anthony, 79 Arizona Least, 212 Cassin, 79 Gray, 156, 157, 158, 160 Hutton, 12, 29, 225 Least, 233 Warbling, 228 Western Warbling, 79, 181, 194, 198 Vireo belli arizonae, 212 huttoni huttoni, 29, 225' huttoni obscurus, 79 vicinior, 157 Vireosylva gilva swainsoni, 79, 181, 194, 198 Vulture, California, 4 Great, 10 Turkey, 75, 130, 152, 183, 210, 216 W Walker, Alexander, some .raptores of Dou. glas County, South Dakota, 130 Warbler, Audubon, 8, 79, 163, 225 BlackSfronted, 160 Black-throated Green, 185, 218 Black-throated Grey, 8 BlackburnJan, 218 Calaveras, 86 California Yellow, 79 Chestnut-sided, 189 Golden Pileolated, 79 Hermit, 8, 79 Lucy, 157, 160, 212 Lutescent, 79, 169, 225 McGillivray, 8, 79 Mourning, 228 Olive, 160 Orange-crowned, 6, 129 Parula, 151 Pileolated, 163 Red-faced, 160 Tolmie, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 Townsend, 8, 79 Worm-eating, 228 Yellow, 190, 191, 215 Water-thrush, Alaska, 231 Waxwing, Cedar, 79 Weaver, Blood-billed, 39 Orange Bishop, 39 Wetmore, Alexander, the speed of flight of certain birds, 112 Widgeon, 129 European, 39 Wilder, H. E., some distributional notes on California birds, 127; Humboldt County bird notes, 204 Wiley, Leo, bird notes from Palo Verde, m- perial County, California, 230