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Rallus levipes, 33 vlrginianus, 223 Raven, 77, 162 Western, 28, 39, 224 White-necked, 209 Ray, Milton S., more summer birds for San Francisco County, 222 Recurvirostra americana, 168 Redhead, 20 Redstart, 22, 218 Painted, 159, 213 Red-tail, Western, 113, 162, 210 Red-wing, Trl-colored, 8, 28 Regulus calendula, 82, 160 calendula calendula, 22 calendula grinnelli, 80 satrapa, 163 satrapa olivaceus, 80 Rhea, Patagonian, 203 Rhea darwini, 203 Richards, Dr. T. W., breeding of Tiaris can- ora and other species from the U.S. naval station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 145 Richmond, Chas. W., an early record of the american scoter for California, 83 Riparia riparia, 225 Rissa tridactyla pollicaris, 203 Roadrunner, 7, 154, 203, 211, 215, 227 Robin, 133, 190, 191 Western, 80, 81, 163, 170, 226 Rossem, Adrian van, notes from oleta, Santa Barbara County, California, 171; breeding of the Scott oriole in Los Angeles County, California, 202 Rough-leg, Ferruginous, 11, 39 Rust, Henry J., additional notes on the birds of Kootenai County, Idaho, 81 Sage-hen, 5 Salpinctes obsoletus obsoletus, 80 Sanderling, 103, 104, 105, 110 Sapsucker, Northern Red-breasted, 76 Red-breasted, 4 Red-naped, 162 Sierra, 179 Sierra Red-breasted, 128 Williamson, 12 Sandpiper, Baird, 171 Buff-breasted, 188 Pectoral, 25, 39 Red-backed, 25 Solitary, 183, 186, 188 Spotted, 162, 194, 197, 215, 223, 232 Western, 83, 171, 188, 194, 197 Western Solitary, 162 Saunders, Aretas A., a note on the food of the western robin, 81; plumage of the young male red-shafted flicker, 82; additions and changes to the summer birds of Flathead Lake, Montana, 85 Saurothera merlini, 147 Sayornis nigricans, 180 Scardafella inca, 180 Schussler, George W., the pigeon guillemot nesting in San Francisco, 35 ScoteL American, 39,' 83, 108, 203 Surf, 108, 109, 110, 223 White-winged, 35, 55, 56, 108, 223, 237 Seedeater, 129 Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis, 231 Selasphorus allenl, 204, 227 platycercus, 21, 130 rufus, 76 Setophaga ruticilla, 23 picta, 213 Shearwater, 30 Dark-bodied, 232 Slender-billed, 203 Shepardson, D. I., the coloration of eggs, 35 Shoveler, 85, 154, 167, 186, 188, 214 Sialia mexicana occidentalis, 80, 82, 86 occidentalis, 12 Siskin, Pine, 77, 163, 225 Sitta canadensis, 80, 163 pygmea, 12 Skimmer, Black, 155 Skinner, M.P., the nutcrackers of the Yel- lowstone Park, 62 Smith, Austin Paul, winter notes from southern Texas, 129 Smith, Franklin' J., occurrence of the condor . in Humboldt County, 205 Snipe, Wilson, 25, 168, 210 Solitaire, Townsend, 28, 32, 33, 34, 133, 181 Sofa, 194, 196 Sparrow, Belding, 107 Bell, 12, 27 Black-chinned, 27, 233 Brewer, 212 Bryant Marsh, 199, 225, 228 Cassin, 154, 189, 215 Desert, 154, 218 English, 38, 82, 83, 93, 202, 210, 216 European, 82, 227 Forbush, 35, 39 Gambel, 203 Golden-crowned, 4, 30, 78 Grasshopper, 154 House, 83, 193, 202 Lark, 6, 154, 189 Lincoln, 28, 34, 154, 212 Mendocino Song, 199 Merrill Song, 194, 198 Modoc Song, 194, 198 Nelson, 20, 21 Nevada Savannah, 212 Nuttall, 78 Oregon Vesper, 77 Pine-woods, 154

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