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Kingbird, 83, 153, 154, 162 Arkansas, 212 Cassin, 27, 128, 205 Cuban, 148 Eastern, 27 Western, 27, 169, 205, 224 Kingfisher, Belted, 4, 76, 86, 100, 162, 227 Kinglet, Golden-crowned, 163 Ruby-crowned, 22, 82, 129, 159, 160 Sitka, 80 Western Golden-crowned, 30, 80 Kite, White-tailed, 218 Kittiwake, Pacific, 203 L Lagopus lagopus albus, 237 lagopus koreni, 236 Lanius ludovicianus gambeli, 112 Lanivireo solitarius cassini, 79 solitarius solitarius, 129 Lark, California Horned, 112, 113, 227 Horned, 155, 189, 193 Streaked Horned, 77 Larus brachyrhynchus, 49, 171 californicus, 47, 223, 237 de[awarensis, 47, 116, 194, 195, 237 glaucescens, 23, 47 hyperboreus, 23, 47 occidentalis, 47, 222, 237 philadelphia, 24 thayeri, 237 Law, J. Eugene, slight extension Of range of San Diego titmouse, 81; odd per- formance of a flicker with a mal- formed bill, 85 Leptostoma longicauda, 12 Leucosticte griseonucha maxima, 237 Limosa fedoa, 35 Limicolae, 69 Linnet, 30, 98, 203 Lobipes lobatus, 25, 168, 223 Longspur, Chestnut-collared, 8 Loon, Common, 23, 69, 107, 222 Lophortyx californica vallicola, 168, 201 gambeli, 12, 210 Loxia curvirostra minor, 77, 224 curvirostra sitkensis, 237 leucoptera, 162 Lunda cirrhata, 222, 232 M Macrorhamphus griseus scolopaceus, 194, 197 Magpie, Yellow-billed, 8, 39, 175 Mailliard, John W., the old-squaw in west- central California, 85; shearwaters on San Francisco Bay, 30; pomarine jaeger in San Francisco Bay, 202; notes on the dark-bodied shearwater, 232 Mailliard, Joseph, sea gulls at the Panama- Pacific international exposition, 41; some bird notes from Humboldt Bay, 198; Caspian tern in the San Joaquin valley, 228 Mallard, 20, 223 Mareca americana, 24, 223 penelope, 129 Marila affinis, 194, 196, 223 collaris, 25, 85 marila, 194, 195 valisineria, 81, 194, 195 Martin, Bee, 83 Purple, 152, 216 Western, 29, 225 McGregor, Richard C., review of his "birds in their economic relation to man," 89 McLean, Donald D., nesting habits of the Virginia rail in Mariposa County, Cal- ifornia, 229 Meadowlark, 107, 183, 219 Western, 34, 77, 190, 192, 212, 227 Melanerpes albolarvatus, 12 Melopelia asiatica, 210, 230 Melopyrrha nigra, 148 Melospiza georgiana, 129, 213 lincolni, 28 ' lincolni striata, 34, 35, 213 melodia caurina, 78 melodia cleonensis, 199 melodia fallax, 213 melodia fisherella, 194, 198 melodia heermanni, 198 melodia melodia, 129 melodia merrilli, 86 melodia montana, 213 melodia morphna, 78 Merganser, American, 127, 162, 194, 195 Red-breasted, 232 Mergus americanus, 127, 162, 194, 195 serrator, 232 Micropallas whitneyi, 211 Migratory birds, proposed new regulations for the protection of, 172 Mimocichla rubripes schistacea, 150 Mimus polyglottos orpheus, 150 p91yglottos leucopterus, 226 Minutes of Cooper Club meetings, 38, 90, 134, 1T4, 208, 237 Mitchell, H. H., concerning vernacular names of Passer domesticus, 82 Mockingbird, 151, 152, 154, 185, 188, 189, 215,

216, 215 

Cuban, 150 Mountain, 8 Western, 93, 98, 226 Molothrus ater ater, 162 ater obscurus, 28, 204 Muller, Carl S., occurrence of emperor goose in northern California, 32

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