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Hansen, Harold E., the western robin nest- ing in Golden Gate Park, San Fran- cisco, 170; Alaska water-thrush in Ma- rin County, California, 231 Harelda hyemalis, 85 Hawk, Cooper, 75, 111, 156, 160, 210 Cuban Sparrow, 147 Desert Sparrow, 76, 210 Duck, 26, 75 Ferruginous Rough-legged, 11, 39 Fish, 197, 215 Harris, 26, 12/, 154, 185, 189, 210, 231 Marsh, 55, 130, 154 Red-bellied, 194, 197 Richardson Pigeon, 194, 197 Sennett, 184, 189 Sharp-shinned, 34, 75, 162, 210, 223 Sparrow, 57, 113, 130, 162 Swainson, 26, 63, 162, 169, 184, 189 Western Red-tail, 63, 75, 210 Zone-tailed, 156, 157,. 158, 160 Heleodytes brunneicapillus couesi, 213 Helodromas solitarius cinnamomeus, 162 Henderson, Junius, house finch or linnet? 30; marbled godwit in Colorado, 35 Herodias egretta, 194, 196 Heron, Anthony Green, 223 Antillean Green, 147 Black-crowned Night, 14, 20, 21, 54, 69, 83, 186, 223 California Great Blue, 223 Great Blue, 21, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 122, 123, 155 Little Blue, 147 Herron, R. B., lark bunting at Cabezon, Cal- ifornia, 205 Hersey, F. S., review of his "a list of the birds observed in Alaska and north- eastern Siberia during the summer of 1914," 237 Hesperiphona vespertina montana, 200, 204 Himantopus mexicanus, 25, 168, 230 Hirundo erythrogaster, 29, 79, 169 Histrionicus histrionicus pacificus, 237 Holden, F. Harvey, cleaning skulls and skel- etons: a supplementary note, 231 Holland, Harold M., an unusual nest addi- tion, 31 Holleman, Ridley, and Quillin, Roy W., the San Domingo grebe in Bexar County, Texas, 221 HoWell, A. B., auburn canyon wren: an ob- jection, 82; some results.of a winter's observations in Arizona, 209 Huey, Laurence M., the Farallon rails of San Diego county, 58 Hummingbird, Allen, 130, 227 Anna, 128, 204, 227 Black-chinned, 27, 31, 85, 114, 202 Broad-billed, 156, 159, 212 Broad-tailed, 21, 130 Calliope, 179, 190 Costa, 156, 157, 160 Rufous, 4, 76, 130 Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensi's, 24, 85 Hylocichla, 133 Hylocichla aliciae aliciae, 237 guttata auduboni, 22, 159 guttata gutrata, 80 guttata sequoiensis, 28, 34, 182 guttata slevini, 232 ustulata ustula(, 80, 227 I Ibis, White-faced Glossy, 230 Wood, 231 Icteria virens longicauda, 33 Icterus cucullatus nelsoni, 194, 198, 212 hypomelas, 148 parisorum, 129, 202 Iridoprocne bicolor, 79, 212 Ixobrychus exilis, 25 Ixoreus naevius merulpides, 163 naevius naevius, 22, 80, 200 J Jackdaw, 183, 187, 188, 189, 215 Jaeger, Long-tailed, 203 Pomarine, 202 Jay, Arizona, 156 Black-headed, 162 Blue:fronted, 28, 34 California, 11, 199 Coast, 77, 199 Green, 215 Long-crested, 159 Oregon, 77 Pinyon, 28 Rocky Mountain, 162 Jewett, Stanley G., new and interesting bird records from Oregon, 21; notes on some land birds of Tillamook County, Oregon, 74 Junco, 163 Arizona, 159 Montana, 86 Oregon, 8, 78 Point Pinos, 225 Sierra, 28, 202, 232 Slate-colored, 21 Junco connectens, 212 hyemalis connectens, 22, 89 hyemalis hyemalis, 21 hyemalis mearnsi, 163 hyemalis montanus, 86 hyemalis oreganus, 78 oreganus pinosus, 225 oreganus thurberi, 28, 202, 225, 232 Killdeer, 25, 55, 116, 188, 223, 230

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