House, 6, 30, 128, 227 Lark, 8 Fisher, W. K., review of Bryan's "natural history of Hawaii," 88 Flicker, Boreal, 39' Mearns Gilded, 212 Northwestern, 76 Red-shafted, 4, 11, 82, 85, 162, 190, 227 Florida coerulea coerulescens, 147 Flycatcher, Arkansas, 6 Ash-throated, 21, 27, 230 Beardless, 129 Crested, 230 Mexican Crested, 216 Olive-sided, 27, 77 Say, 6 Scissor-tailed, 153, 154, 188, 208, 215 Traill, 27, 28, 77, 194, 197 Vermilion, 156, 183, 189, 212, 231 Western, 77, 159, 227 Wright, 180, 181 Fregata aquila, 146 Frigate bird, 146 Fulica americana, 226 Gadwall, 15, 54, 194, 195, 214 Galliformes, 207 Gallinago lelicata, 25, 168, 210 Gallinule, 187, 196 Florida, 222 Gavia iraruer, 23, 222 Gaviidae, 69 Geococcyx californianus, 203, 211, 227 Geothlypis trichas arizela, 79 trichas occidentalis, 163 trichas sinuosa, 225 Gilbert, C. H., nature of the occurrence of the rose-breasted grosbeak in Hum- boldt County, California, 81 Glaucidium gnoma californicum, 163 gnoma grinnelli, 26 gnoma ridgwayi, 211 siju, 147 Gnatcatcher, Western, 157, 160 Godwit, Marbled, 35, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107 Golden-eye, 16, 54 Barrow, 39 Goldfinch, Arkansas, 6, 30 Green-backed, 212 Lawrence, 12, 225 Pale, 212 Willow,' 77 Goose, Cackling, 39, 194, 196, 228 Canada, 58 Emperor, 32 Hutchins, 39 Ross Snow, 194, 196 White-fronted, 39 Goshawk, Mexican, 210 Grassquit, Melodious, 210 Grebe, American Eared, 177, 187, 221, 222 Eared, 17, 18, 100, 114, 194, 195 Holboell, 16, 18 Horned, 17, 18 Mexican, 218 Pied-billed, 17, 20, 167, 195, 222 San Domingo, 221 Western, 16, 23, 222 Grey, Henry, Mexican ground dove at San Diego, 83 Grinnell, Joseph, a new ruffed grouse from the Yukon valley, 166; review of Thayer's, Bangs' and Allen's "notes on the birds and mammals of the Arctic coast of East Siberia," 236; review of W. Sprague Brooks' "notes on birds from East Siberia and Arctic Alas- ka," 237; review of F. Seymour Her- sey's "a list of birds observed in Alaska and northeastern Siberia dur- ing the summer of 1914," 237 Grosbeak, Black-headed, 7, 78, 190, 201 Blue, 187, 189 Pacific Black-headed, 233 Rocky Mountain Pine, 21, 162 Rose-breasted, 81 Western Eve.ning, 159, 200, 204 Grouse, Canada Ruffed, 86 Dusky, 6 Franklin, 5, 21, 82, 162 Oregon Ruffed, 75 Richardson, 21 Ruffed, 162 Sage, 6 Sharp-tailed, 5 Sierra, 28 ' Sooty, 75 Yukon Ruffed, 166 Guillemot, Pigeon, 35, 222, 236 Gull, Bonaparte, 24, 49, 100, 104 California, 47, 116, 117, 118, 223 Franklin, 15, 57, 58 Glaucous, 47 Glaucous-winged, 47 Herring, 47 Heermann, 13, 105 Laughing, 228 Ring-billed, 47, 57, 100, 116, 117, 118, 194, 195 Sabine, 24 Short-billed, 49 Western, 47, 104, 105, 110, 222 Gruidae, 173 Gymnogyps californianus, 205 Haliaeetus leucocephalus leucocephalus, 75, 162, 201