Nov., 1916 239
INDEX TO VOLUlqE XVlII Accipiter cooperi, 7, 210 velox, 34, 75, 162, 210, 223 Actiris macularia, 161, 194, 197, 223, 232 Aechmophorus occidentalis, 23, 222 Aegialitis nivosa, 25, 194, 197 semipalmata, 194, 197 Agelaius phoeniceus californicus, 224, 232 phoeniceus caurinus, 128, 199, 232 tricolor, 28 Aimophila carpalis, 212 Allen, G. M., see Thayer, J. E. Aluco pratincola, 76, 127, 223 Ammodramus rostratus, 13 savannarum bimaculatus, 84, 86 Anas platyrhynchos, 223 Anatidae, 173 Anhinga anhinga, 24 Ani, 147 Anthus rubescens, 79, 129, 226 spraguei, 129 Aphelocoma californica californica, 199 Aphriza virgata, 203 Appleton, J. S., late nesting of the Arkansas goldfinch, 30 Aquila chrysaetos, 26, 82, 127, 130, 200 Archilochus alexandri, 27, 31, 85 Ardea herodias, 112 herodias hyperonca, 196, 223 herodias treganzai, 116 Arnold, Ralph, and Pemberton, J. R., nesting of the western bluebird at Ventura, California, 86 Arnold, Dr. W. W., a hospital for wild birds, 190 Asio flammeu, 130 wilsonJanus, 130 Astragalinus lawrencei, 225 psaltrla hesperophllus, 30, 212 tristis salicamans, 77 tristis pallidus, 212 Asturina plagiata, 210 Atkins, Emerson, a nestfull, 201 Auklet, Cassin, 12, 236 Rhinoceros, 236 Avocet, American, 39, 135, 154, 168 Aythya affinis, 35 Baeolophus lnornatus murinus, 81 wollweberi, 214 Bailey, Florence Merriam, characteristic birds of the Dakota prairies, III, among sloughs and marshes, 14; IV, on the lakes, 54; a populous shore, 100; black-headed grosbeaks eating butter, 201; meeting spring half way, I, 151; II, 183; III, 214 Baldpate, 24, 223 Bangs, O., see Thayer, J. E. Baynes, Ernest Harold, review of his "wild bird guests," 37 Beal, F. E. L., and economic ornithology in California, 234; photograph of, 235 Bent, A. C., information wanted for the life histories of North American birds, 88; communication from, regarding the life histories, 236 Betts, Norman de W., birds seen in the val- ley of the south fork of the Flathead River, Montana, 161 Bird, Frigate, 146 Birds, migratory, proposed new regulations for the protection of, 172 Bittern, American, 15, 16, 115, 192, 223 Cory Least, 37 Least, 25, 39 Blackbird, Bi-cdlored Red-wing, 2'24 Brewer, 7, 77, 128, 227 Northwestern Red-winged, 199, 232 Red-winged, 128, 187, 189 Yellow:headed, 6, 16, 18, 34, 155, 209 Bluebird, 133, 190 Chestnut-backed, 159 Mountain, 63 Western, 8, 80, 82, 86 Bluejay, 151 Bobolink, 21, 28 Bob-white, 154 Bombycilla cedrorum, 79 Bonasa umbellus, 162 umbe,11us sabini, 75 umbellus togata, 86 umbellus umbelloides, 86, 166 umbellus yukonensls, 166 Botaurus lentiginosus, 223 Bowles, J. H., a record of the golden plover in the state of Washington, 31; a rec- ord of the Forbush sparrow in the state of Washington, 35; the house finch in the state of Washington, 128; another record o'f the widgeon in the state of Washington, 129; a recent record of the trumpeter swan in the state of Washington, 171; the dwarf screech owl in the state of Washing- ton, 231 Brant, 155 Black, 196 Branta canadensis minima, 194, 196 Brooks, W. S., review of his "notes on birds from East Siberia and Arctic Alaska," 237 Bryan, William Alanson, review of his "nat- ural history of Hawaii," 88