low, 1916
Parabuteo young, not able south of Palo VE PllrocePhal a nest north of eggs in it about nest back of the fly on May 12. surprised to see the schoolhouse the same season Another Re 1916, while retu lighted to see a J
the rear platforl
the broad delta inland up the ra a live Wood Ibil recognised these not be ,mistakel 5, 1902 (see Co nia. The Alaska trip to Muir W as the Bootjack racensis notabil great deal of u stream. Upon tered and dippe, noted that the t whitish line thr flew into the ul like that of the takable, As the within the State --HROLV E. HA The Dwarf "sight record", dom been recor of that place.' A only possible ne etc., in a large si in trees as a pla is now in the c Tacoraa, Washi Cleaning 8k description of tl (CoNoE, xvx, 19 or in part the sc In place of the Cresol in place Acid has been and six gallon s centrated soluti its use more eco tebrate Zoolog1/, IROM tII'LD AND STUDY 231 nicictus harrisi. Harris Hawk. July 25, 1916, I saw four full-grown to fly. They were in a cottonwood in a small marsh about two miles rde. s rubinus mexicanus. Vermilion Flycatcher. On April 7, 1916, I found the store in a screw-boon over-hanging the water. There were two ready to hatch. The young grew up and left the nest. I also found a schoolhouse on April 16 with fairly fresh eggs. The birds were ready to On passing the nest north of the store On June I I looked in and was three more young birds in the nest, and on looking into the nest back of found it to contain .three eggs. In both cases the nest was twice used in -LEo WLE, Polo Verde, ali]ornia. ord of the Wood Ibis in-California.n Shnday morning, August 13, ming north on he Santa F from San Diego, .1 was surprised and de- lock of about twenty Wood Ibises (Mllcteria aericana). I was sitting on of the obeertion car and saw the flock Just after our train had crossed if a small stream near Oceanside. The birds were flying from the ocean, ther broad valley of the' practically dry stream. Although I had not seen since August, 1888, when I' saw seven on the lower Wabash, I at once birds. Their heavy wing-flaps, their- white bodies and black wings could
Messrs. Grinnell and Daggett saw a flock in the same place August
,o, v, 1903, p. 18).--BRON WAN EVAN, an Francisco, alior- Water-thrush in' Marin County, Californla.--August 13, 1916, I took a ds in company with several friends. While hiking along what is known Trail, I suddenly came upon an Alaska Water-thrush (eiurus novebo. s) perched on a large boulder near a stream. At this point there was a derbrush and terns along the banks, and several small 'cataracts in the atehind sight of me the bird uttered small chirps, and continually tee- [ from side to side ' I was able to approach within a few feet of it, and
- eneral color was brownish, with black streakings on the breast, and a
ongh the eye. After a few minutes nother one appeared, and the two .derbrush. The white stripe through the eye, and the teetering motion kmerican Dipper, to my mind makes the identification of this bird unmis- re seem to be only four other records of the occurrence of this species . .I thought that my finding it in Marin County might be of some interest SEN, an Francisco, aliornia. creech Owl in the 6rate of Washington.--Unlese'it be for an occasional i believe the Dwarf Screech Owl (Otus lararaeolus idahoensis) has el- !ed in Washingto. n. It gives me great .pleasure, therefore, to report the tult female at Kiona, Benton County, Washington, by. Mr. F. R. Decker n examination showed it to be beyond much doubt a breeding bird. The ting sites in the vicinity were numerous holes mede by Bank Swallows, mdy cliff, so it is possible that this bird may use something besides holes ce for raising its young.. The specimen was taken on May 29, 1916, and ,11ection of Mr. D. E. Brown at Seattle, Washinton.--J. H. BowEs, to. Ils and Skeletons: a Supplementary Note.--Since the publication of the e process of cleaning skulls and disarticulated skeletons' two years ago [4, 1)P. 239-241), different re-agents have been tested to replace in lutions described. These experiments have resulted in one change, only. 'arbolic Acid, substitute Cresylic Acid (Cresol, C6H4OH3OH): one part [ twenty-five to fifty parts of Carbolic Acid. One-half ounce of Cresylic )und to be sufficient for a solution containing' two quarts of ammonia ,f water. No harmful effects have been caused by the use of a very con- ,n of Cresol. Cresol costs about thirty-five cents a pound, thus making omical than that of Carbolic Acid.--F. HARVEY HOL=, MUSeU O! Universitll o! aliornia, Berkeley.