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Some Results of a Winter's Observations in Arizona ............ A. Brazier Howell 209

Meeting Spring Half Way III ............................................ Florence Merriam Bailey 214 Nesting of the Leconte Thrasher (with two photos) ................. . R. Pemberton 219 The San Domingo Grebe in Bexar County, Texas .................................................... ................................................................ Roy W. Quillin and Rigley Holleman 221 More Summer Birds for San Francisco County (with one photo by O. J. Heine- mann) ............................................................................................. .Milton 2. Ray 222 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Grammatical Errors in Vernacular Names ...................... /. R. Penberton 227 Are there Two Forms of the Bryant Marsh Sparrow in San Francisco County? ................................................................................ W. A. quires 228 Caspian Tern in the San Joaquin Valley ......................... losepI Mailliar5 228 Nesting Habits of the Virginia Rail in Mariposa County, California ........ ....................................................................................... Donalg D. McLean 229 Peculiar Nesting Site of Ash-throated Flycatcher (with one drawing) t ..'. .............................................. .Harol C. Bryant and Amy M. Bryant 230 Bird Notes from Palo Verde, Imperial County, California...Leo Wiley 230 Anothek Record of the Wood Ibis in California....Barton W. Evermann 231 The Alaska Water-thrush in Marin County, California ................................ ..................................................................................... _Harol5 1. Hansen 231 The Dwarf Screech Owl in the State of Washington ........... I. H. Bowles 231 Cleaning Sknils and Skeletons: a Supplementary Note .............................. ...................................................................................... F. Harvey Holgen 231 Some Field Notes from Western Sonoma County, California .................... ............................................................................................... W. A. quires 232 Notes on the Dark-bodied Shearwater ......................... John W. Mailliarg 232 Snakes as Nest Robbers ................... .J. R. Pemberton and H. W. Carriger 233 Spotted Owl from the San Gabriel Canyon, Los Angeles County, Cali- fornia .............................................................................. Wright M. Pierce 233 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS .................................................................................. 234 F. E. L. Beal and Economic Ornithology in California ................... .H.C. Bryant 234 COMMUNICATION ...................................................................................... _A. C. Bent 236 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ...................................................................................... 236 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS .............................................................. 237 INDEX TO VOLUME XVIII ............................................................................................. 239 ]ntered as second-class matter February, 1908, at the post-office at ,os Angeles (Hollywood Station). California, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Issued from the Office of THE CONDOR, First National Bank Building, Hollywood, California Dues and Subscriptions ARE NOW PAYABLE Remember that both the business managers are closely occupied with their regular affairs and that there is no salary connected with ANY office of "THE CONDOR." $1.50 for U.S. Subscriptions $1.75 for Foreign Subscriptions $2.00 for U.S. Members $2.25 for Foreign Members W. LEE CHAMBERS, Bus. Manager lagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., Calif.

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