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53. Larus californicus. California Gull. Great flocks of gulls were common on Lake Merced on every visit. Most of the birds were immatures. 54. Phalacrocorax auritus alboclllatus. Farallon Cormorant. A colony of 500 nesting on Seal Rocks off the Golden Gate noted by William Leon Dawson, July 21, 1912 (Co.boa, xvII, p. 19). We have seen this bird on Lake Merced during the spring, but never in abundance. 55. Arias platyrhynchos. Mallard. We noted young of the year on Lake Merced July 4, 1911, and Carriger also saw parent with small young at Chain of Lakes in Gol- den Gate Park, May 22, 1910. 56.. Mareca americana. Baldpate. Recorded at Stow Lake June , 1915, by W. A. Squires (Comoa, xvii, p. 234). 57. Marila affinis. Lesser Scaup Duck. Female with three young noted on Stow Lake in early July, 1913, by George W. Schussler (CoDOa, XVm, p. 35). 58. Oidemia deglandl. White-winged Scorer. Seen April 23, 1911, and July 4, 1911, on Lake Merced by Carriger and the writer. Like the following, the birds seen were evidently non-breeders. 59. Oidemla perspiclllata. Surf Scorer. Noted on April 23, 1911, and on other dates. On one occasion Carriger and I Captured a crippled bird and it apparently ex- pired in our hands. Laid shortly afterwards in the Bow of the boat, we were astonished to see it leap overboard and splashingly paddle away. 60. Erismatura jamaicensis. Ruddy Duck. While Carriger and I have found this a common bird on the Merced Lakes a careful search revealed no nests. Pemberton however, located one May 21, 1902, with two eggs, hidden beneath a canopy of rules on the shore of Lake Merced. 61. Botaurus lentiginosus. American Bittern. Noted on Lake Merced April 23, 1910, and on various other dates. 62. Ardea herodias hyperonca. California Great Blue Heron. Noted at Lake Mer- ced April 23, 1910, July 4, 1911, etc. Carriger also found what he believed to be previ- ously occupied * nests of these birds in a grove of tall eucalyptus on the west shore of the lake. 63. Butorides virescens anthonyi. Anthony Green Heron. I noted this bird April 23, 1910, at Lake Merced. 64. Nycticorax nycticorax naevius. Black-crowned Night Heron. Noted at Lake Merced April 23, 1910, and on other dates. 65. Railus virginianus. Virginia Rail. I noted this bird near the north lake and found an old nest with scattered egg-shells on April 30, 1911. 66. Porzana carolina. Sora Rail. Carriger noted a number of these birds on the edge of the rules on the western shore of Lake Merced. 67. Lobipes Iobatus. Northern Phalarope. 68. Phalaropus fulicarius. Red Phalarope. 69. Catoptrophorus semipalmatus inornatus. Western Willet. 70. Actiris macularia. Spotted Sandpiper. Carriger noted the above four species during the spring at Lake Merced. 71. Oxyechus vociferus vociferus. Killdeer. I have noted this species on the Re- creation Grounds in Golden Gate Park, and Carriger also records it as being seen in the Park Stadium. Both dates in late spring. Jesse Klapp, the park game warden, informs me that he found two nests of this bird in the Park Buffalo Paddock, one with three young and oge two young during the spring of 1916, and that Killdeer also nested there in 1915 though he did not locate the nests. 72. Accipiter veiox. Sharp-shinned Hawk. I noted this bird in the Sutro Forest, April 30, 1916. 73. Pandion haliaetus carolinehals. American Osprey. Carriger noted one of these birds in May flying over the Sutro Forest. The nearest breeding point ! know of is near Hilton, Sonoma County, where Chase Littlejohn found it nesting in August, 1916. The nest, about 100 feet up at. the top of a giant redwood, was at a bend of the Russian River known as Cape Horn and contained large young. The parents were often noted at the nest or fishing along the river. 74. Aluco pratincola. American Barn Owl. Carriger and ! found this owl a com- mon nester in the high sandy cliffs in the Merced Lakes region. April 23, 1910, a nest

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