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lor Sale, lxchange and Want Column.Bin this space members

of the Cooper Club are allowed one notice in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but not for sale. Notices must be written plainly, on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. For this department address IV. LEE CHAMBERS, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, California. FOR SALE--Complete file of ,4uk, vols. 1-4 bound in black morocco, vols. 5-29 in numbers as issued; also 50 duplicates. ,Vanted: O. (' O. Semi-,annual, vol. 1, nos. 1, 2; vol. 2, no. 1; I4/ilson Bulletin, nos. 1-65; Bird-Lore, vol. 1, eoluplete; Ooloisg, vol. 3, no. 4, vol. 4, no. 1, vol. 5, nos. 5, 6, vol. 6, nos. 4, 10, vol. 7, no. 8, vol. 15, nos. 2, 3, vol. 16, nos. 4, 6, 7, 9, vol. 18, nO. 7.--LAUREN TREMPER, 1.t6 IVo. Pewey $t., Philadelphia, Pa. I AM making a collection of game birds, and would be glad to know of any members who might want to exchange bird skins.--MRS. J.W. VHEELER, Tucson, ,4rizona. FOR SALE--For benefit Massachusetts Au- dubon Society: The twenty-nine volumes of The ,'luk; the' eight voluules of The ]Vullall Bullelin; both belonging to the late lIenry A. Putdie. Address:--E. PURDIE, ]9 Clarendon St., Boston, )Iass. WANTED---Cal. Traveler and 'aturalist, atl but vol. 1, nos. 2, 3, 5, and vol. 2, no. 3; Old Curiosigy Shop, vol. 8, nos. 2 and 12; I4/est .Skienlist, nos. 1, 3, 4, 33, 52, 61, 68-73, 94, 96, 97, 101, and many other periodicals. Cash or ex- change.--l?RANK L. BURNS, Berwyn, Pa. WANTED--A male of any of the following species of hummiugbirds: 426,427,428,432,436, 439, 440.1 and 441. Only A 1 skins wanted, for which.I offer three times their caMlog values in exchange. Can offer A 1 sets from the north- west and elsewhere.--J. II. BowLEs, The I4/ood- stock, Tacoma, l/t/ash. FOR SALE OR EXCIIANGE--,Z/uk, vols. XXIII, XXIV, XXV, IX (except no. 3); I4/arb. let, vols. I, lI; Fern ]Yulletin, vols. VI-XlV, complete; Cones' Birds of ]Vorlhwest; Ridg- way's Birds olin:  llid. ,am., vol V; Turn- er's Contrib. ]Vat. larist. ,alaska; Nelson's Vat. HisL CoIL in ,alaska (both witIs colored plates of birds); Cruise of Cotwin (nat. hist.); Eth- nology Reports (many of these superb volumes); Marsh 's Dinocerata; Leidy's Fossil l/ertebrates; Cope's Cretaceous rlebrata; Cope's Croco- dilfins, Lizards ' Snakes of V. Im.; Eng. .Sarrow in V. /m.; N. A. Faunas; Smithson- ian and Nat. Musemu Reports and Proceedings, etc., etc. WANTED--.4Uk, vols. I to VII, XIX, XXVII and later; IVidioloK,st , vol. I, nos. 2. 6; Osprey, vol. I, no. 2, vol. IV, no. 3; Jour. ][e. Orn. Soc.; Bull. [dich. Orn. Club; and other nat. hist. literature.--DR. T. W. RICHARDS, U. S. NAv% 1207 19t.St., iV. l/t/., l[/asl;., P.C. HAROLD H. BAILEY announces that the J.P. Bell Publishing Co., of Lynchburg, Vm, have started work on the publication of his book, "The Breeding Birds of Virginia",which they hope to have before the public on or about June 1, 1913. There will be 14 original full- page colored plates of birds, which, with the 108 half-tones, represent the greater part of the species of birds figuring in the text of over 300 pages. Virginia being the overlapping boun- dary of many of the northern and. southern forms, the field covered should be of special in- terest to the ornithologist. As this will be a limited edition, those desiring to secure a copy should notify the author at Newport News, Vir- ginia, as early as possible. The publishers are noted for their high class work; and both they and ,Mr. Bailey guarantee that the whole work will be above the ordiuary. The price will be $3. O0. NOTICE.--A mistake occurred in Mr. Charles Jefferys' advertisement in last issue. His ad- dres is 15, Beaufort lf/est, Bath (not "Balte"), England. WANTED. Vols. 1, 2, 3 of THE CONDOR. For the 3 volumes in original covers I will ex- change a fine set of the Vaux Swift, with 6 eggs. This is a chance to secure these rare eggs. If interested write. C. L CLAY, u- reka, Calif. FOR EXCHANGE--Many desirable South- ern California Birds eggs in full sets with data. Rufous-crowned Sparrow, Pallid Wren-tits and others, all A 1. Send me your lists.L HUY, $2nd  Clay ,4re., San Diego, California. NIDIOLOGISTS FOR SALe--Vol. II, complete, $1.50; vol. III, complete, 2. O0; vol. IV, com- plete, $1.50, in parts as issued,- with covers; as new. W. LEE CHAMBERS, agle Rock, Los neles Co., Calif. [*OR SALE.--First four volrunes o[ Condor, including the rare "Bulletin."F. S. DAGGETT, 25$ 2;Ienlo .ave., Los ,tngeles, Calif WANTED.--Offer for complete file of The Codor. Printer's copies. In A No. I condi- tion. NAC PRINTING COMPANY, 171 Santa Clara Street, San Jose, Cal.

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