194 Vol. XVIII
SOME BIRDS OF THE FRESNO DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES By JOHN (. TYLER N Pacific Coast Avifauna No. 9, one hundred and sixty-one species and sub- species of birds were listed as occurring within the region under consider- ation. Recent field work has enabled me to identify a number of others and I have also had the pleasure of examining a small collection of skins belonging to Mr. H. C. Ohl, from which I obtained several interesting records. Occasional mention was made in Avifauna No. 9 of the New Hope District, a schoolhouse of that name furnishing the only means of locating a rather sparsely settled portion of Fresno County. A railroad has since been con- structed and the embryonic city of Helm, with its postoffice of the same name, has arisen to dispossess the school of the honor of being the only nameable object in a vast area of interesting country. The seventh line on page 15 in my former paper should read "Herminghaus" instead of "Chowchilla" Ranch, the latter being an inexcusable error on my part. The thirty-three birds listed herewith brings the total for the Fresno District up to one hundred and ninety-four. 162. EARED GREBE.. Colymbus nigricoiiis californicus (Heermann). 163. RINllBILLED GULL. Larus delawarensis Ord. 164. CASPIAN TERN. Sterna caspia Pallas. 165. COMMON TEBN. Stel'na hiPundo Linnaeus. 166. AMERICAN MEBGANSER. Mel'gus americanus Cassin. 167. GWALL. Chauiela$U$ streperus (Linnaeus). 168. CANVAS-BACK, Maa valisinria (Wilson). 169. GATER SCAUP DUCK. Mala mariia (Linnaeus). ]70, LESSER SCAUP DUCK, Ma?a afflnis (Eyn). 171. BUFFLE-HEAD. Charltonetta albeoia (Linnaeus). 172. Ross SNOW SE. Chn si (Cassin). 173. CACKLING GSZ. Branta canadnsis minima Riday. 74. AMERICAN EGRET, edia8 grtta (Gmelin). 75. SNowy EGRET. gea candidissima candidissima (Gmelin). 176. SOR. Poana carolina (Linnaeus). 177. WILSON PHALPE. gaBoU$ ricoior Vieillot. 178. NG-BLED DOWITCHER, Macrorhamphus grlsus scolopaceus (Say). 79. WESTERN SANDPIPER. UB$ mauri Cabanis. 180. SPED SANDPIPER. AC8 macularia (Linnaeus). 8. SEMIPALMATED R. Agialitis smipaimata (napae). 182. SNOWY OR. Agiaiiti nivosa Cassin. 83. RED-BELLIED HAWK. Buteo linnaeus lgans Cassin. 184. RICHARDN PIGEON HAWK. Falco colubari8 richard8oi Riday. 185. OSPREY. PaBdoB haiiaus carolinnsis (Ginelis). 186. DUSKY PR-WILL. Phalaeopilu8 nuttaili callfornicus Ridgway. 187. TRAILL FLYCATCHER, oldoBaX traiili trailii (Audubon). ]88, ARIZONA HDED ORIOLE, ICe?U$ Cucullaus nlsoni day. 189. CALIRNIA PLE FINCH, Caodacu8 purpurus californicus Baird. 90. MODOC SONG SPROW. Moza mlodia fishrila Oberholser. ]9]. GREENAILED TOWH. Oreospiza chlorura (Audubon). 192. WESTERN WARBLING VI. VOSyV gilva swainsoni (Baird). 93. SaE THRASHER, O?eo$coOe$ montanus (Townsend). 194. DTED CANYON WN. Cath$ mxicanus punculaus Ridgway.