More Bird Notes from Big Bear Valley, San Bernardino Mountains (with
five photos) .......................................................................... Ivright M. Pierce 177 Meeting Spring Half Way II ......................................... Florence Merriam Bailey 183 A Hospital for Wild Birds (with two photos) ........................ Dr. IV. IV. Arnolcl 190 Some Birds of the Fresno District, California: Supplementary Notes ............ ........................................................................................................ John G. Tyler 194 Some Bird Notes from Humboldt Bay ........................................ Joseph Mailliarcl 198 Notes on the Golden Eagle in Arizona .............................................. F. (7. Ivillarcl 200 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Black-headed Grosbeaks Eating Butter ............ Florence Merriam Bailey 201 A Nestfull ............................................................................... Emerson Arkins 201 Sierra Junco in Golden Gate Park ........................................ IV. A. l?quires 202 Pomafine Jaeger in San Francisco Bay ................... John IV. MailliarcZ 202 Hummingbird Mistakes Scarlet Yarn for a Flower....W. Lee Chambers 202 The Vernacular Name of Passer domesticus in North America ............ ............................................................................................ Tracy I. l?torer 202 The Breeding of the Scott Oriole in Los Angeles County, Californim... ............................................................................... Aclriaan van Rossera 202 Notes from the Vicinity of Los Angeles ................................ L. E. Ivyman 203 Variation of the Broken-wing Stunt by a Roadrunner..J.R. Pemberton 203 The Coming of the Cowbird (with one photo)._rtarriet Ivilliams Myers 204 Humboldt County Bird Notes .................................................... H. E. WilcZer 204 A New Breeding Record for California ........................................ C. L C/ay 205 Occurrence of the Condor in Humboldt County ........ Franklin J. l?mith 205 Lark Bunting at Cabezon, California ................................... _R. B. Herron 205 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ................................................................................ 206 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED .................................................................................... 207 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ........................................................... 208 l.ntered as second-class matter February, 1908, at the post-office at Ios Angeles (Hollywood Station), California, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Issued from the Office of THg CONDOR, First National Bank Building, Hollywood, California BIIZD=LOIZE For October Bird Club Number with articles by Mr. Baynes of the Meri- den Club, Dr. Kennedy of the Brush Hill Club, Mr. Floyd of the Milton Club, Mr. Ripley of the Hartford Club, Dr. Allen of the Ithaca Club, and others. These reports contain information of the utmost value to organizers and con- ductors of Bird Clubs. 20 Cents a Copy $1.00 a Year D. APPLETON CO. Harrisburg, Pa. BIRDS---NISTS---IGGS The Ooloist is one of the oldest publi- cations in the UnitedStates devoted to these. It is now in its thirty-third year. If you are interested, subscribe now. Only Fifty Cents per year. The Oologist, Lacon, IlL