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lor Sale, ]xchange and Want Column.--In this space members

of the Cooper Club are allowed one notice in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but not for sale. Notices must be written plainly, on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. For this department address %V. LE CHAMBERS, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Coanty, California. FOR SALE.--N. A. Faunas, nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.--1V. L. BURNETT, Igricullural College, Fort Collins, Colorado. EXCHANGE.--I have a lot of good skins of Illinois, Costa Rica and exotic birds, with full data, that I would like to exchange for speci- mens from Western States or other countries.-- I1ENR K. OAX,E, I-/ighlandPark, Illinois. FOR SALE--Clean copies of Bulletin Cooper Club, vol. 1, nos. 1, 2, 5; The Condor, vol. 2, no. 4, vol. 4, no. 6. Best offer takes them.--J. tI. X, ARH, Paterson, New Jersey. FOR EXCHANGE.--Desirable skins of Florida and Eastern species; 575a, 549, 550 and many others. Want 546a, 547a, 5.50a, and others. Please send list of duplicates to spare in ex- change for my list. C. W. Oa,aBE,RrAIN, 36 Lincoln St., Boston, rass. FOR S&LE.--The /luk, vol. 6 except no. 3. Want to purchase early numbers of the Journal of the Maine Ornithological Society. IIARR S. HATaAWA, BOX 166, Providence, R. L ANTED--Ornithologist & Oologist, vol. 13, no. 2, Feb. 1888; Osprey 3, no. 7.O. WID- eRAiN, 515 ron Vetsen St., SI. Louis, ,o. NIDIOLOGISTS FOR SALE--Vol. II, complete, $1.50; vol. lII, complete, $2.00; vol. IV, com- plete, $1.50, in parts as issued, with covers; as new. 1V. LEE HAMBERS, Eagle lock, LOS Ingeles Co., Calif. FOR SALE.--First four volumes of The Condor, including the rare "Bulletin."--F. S. DAbGEar, 2833 ,Ienlo Ive., Los Ingeles, Calif. WNTED.--VoIs. 1, 2, 3 of THE CONDOR. For the 3 volumes in original covers I will ex- change a fine set of the Vaux Swift, with 6 eggs. This is a chance to secure these rare eggs. If interested write. C.I. CL,V, Eu- reka, Calif. FOR EXCIIANGE--Many desirable South- ern California Birds eggs in full sets with data. Rufous-crowned Svarrow, Pallid XVran-tits and others, all A 1. Send me your lists.--L $2nd  Clay Ive., San Diego, California. XVANTID--A male of any of the following species of humminghirds: 426,427,428,432,436, 439, 440.1 and 441. Only A 1 skins wanted, for which I offer three times their catalog values in exchange. Can offer A 1 sets from the north- west and elsewhere.--J. H. Bowx, ES, The Wood- stock, Tacoma, IVash. FOR SALI OR EXCIIANGE--,4uk, vols. XXllI, XXIV, XXV, IX (except no. 3); ll/arb. ler, vols. I, II; b}rn Bulletin, ols. VI-XIV, complete; Coues' Birds of 2Vorlhwest; Ridg- way's Birds of E & ,llid. tm., vol V; Turn- er's Conerib. Arat. /-/(st. Mlaska; Nelson's Aat. I-]ist. Uoll. in ,41asia (both with colored plates of birds); Cruise of Uorivin {nat. hist.); Eth- nology Reports (many of these superb volrunes); Marsh's Dinoccrala; Leidy's bbssil 'rtebrates; Cope's Cretaceous iZertebrata; Cope's Croco- dilians, Lizards 0  Snakes of N. /tin.; Eng. 5arrow in A. Min.; N. A. Faunas; Smithson- ian and Nat. husenm Reports and Proceedings, etc., etc. WANTED-//Uk, vols. I to II, XIX, XXVlI and later; Vidiologmt, vol. I, noa. 2, 6; Osprey, vol. I, no. 2, vol. IV, no. 3; Jour. ]Ie. Orn. Soc.; Bull. i]lich. Orn. Club; and other nat. hist. literature.--DR. T. V. RICHARDS, U.S. NAVY, 1207 191h. S!., N. l., Wash., I).C. FOR SArE.--A complete file of the Nidiolo- g/st, 4 volumes. Send in your offers. T.J. FITZPATRICK, Lainout, 29etatar Co., Iowa. XVANTEX).--Copies of any of the following publications. Nidiologist, vol. 1, no. 2, Oct., 1893; Qsprey, N.S., 1902, March, April and July; Oologist, May and December, 1897, April and September, 1899; Wilson Bull., no. 4, 1894. B. H. SWAtES, (Crosse Isle, 1Vich. WANTrX).--Nidiologist, vol. I, no. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11; vol. II, no. 2, 8, 11; vol. III, no. 1; vol. IV, no. 9; Osprey, new series, vol. I, no. 4, 5. O. WXX)ANN, 5105 I/on Vetsen lve., St. Louis, Io. WVrED.---Offer for complete file of The Condor. Printer's copies. In A No. 1 condi- tion. NACE PRINTING COMPANV, 171 West Santa Clara Street, SanJose, Cal.

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