Breeding of Tiaris canora, and Other Notes from the U.S. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (with three photos) ................ Dr. T. W. Richards 145 Meeting Spring Half Way ................................................ Florence Merriam Bailey 151 On Bicycle and Afoot in the Santa Catalina Mountains .................. F. C. Willard 156 Birds Seen in the Valley of the South Fork o! the Flathead River, Mort{aria (with one photo) ................................................................. -Norman deW. Betts 161 The Sahuaro Screech Owl as a Recognizable Race .................... 2/. 8. 8warth 163 A New Ruffed Grouse, from the Yukon Valley ............................ Joseph Gxinnell 166 Migration and Field Notes from Fresno County, California ........ John G. Tyler 167 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Early Nesting of the Lutescent Warbler in Los Angeles County. ............... ........................................................................................................ L. E. Wyman 169 Decoys Used by Market Hunters in Slaughtering Band-tailed Pigeons .... ................................................................................................ W. Lee Chambers 170 Nesting of the Western Robin in San Francisco County..W.A. quires 170 The Western Robin Nesting in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco (with one photo by H. C. Bryant) ............................................ Harold E. Haen 170 A Recent Record of the Trumpeter Swan in the State af Washington .... ....................................................................................................... .J. H. Bowles 171 Notes from Goleta, Santa Barbara County, California. ................................... ........................................................................................ Adriaan van Rossera 171 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ................................................................................ 172 Proposed New Regulations for the Protection of Migratory Birds ............ 172 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ............................................................ 174 lntered as second-class matter February, 1908, at the post-office at Los Angeles (Hllywood Station), California. under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Issued from the Office of THE CONDOR. First National Bank Building, Hollywood. California NIEETINGS OF THE COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB SOUTHEa DIVISION: At the Museum of History, Science, and Art, Exposition Park, Los Angeles. Time of meeting, 8 r. ., the last Thurs- day of every month; or on the Tuesday evening preceding, when the last Thursday falls on a holiday. Take south-bound car from town; on Spring Street, the car marked "University", on Hill Street the car marked "Ver- mont and Georgia". Get off at Vermont Avenue and Thirty-ninth Street. Walk two blocks ast to Exposition Park. The Museum is the building . i wth the large dome. NORTHERN DIVISION: At the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Uni- versity of California, Berkeley. Time of meeting, 8 r. ., the third Thursday of every month. Take any train or car to University Campus. The ]Viuseum of Vertebrate Zoology is a large corrugated iron building situated on the south side of the campus immediately north of the foot- ball bleachers.