July, 1916 161
BIRDS SEEN IN TIlE VALLEY OF TIlE SOUTH FORK OF THE FLAT- HEAD RIVER, MONTANA By NORMAN de W. BETTS WITH ONE PHOTO BY THE AUTHOR URING the summer of 1915 I made a pack trip of seventy-five miles up the South Fork of the Flathead River. Inasmuch as I do not find ve many published references to the birds of that particular region, the following brief notes on the bird-life encountered may prove of interest and worthy of record. My companion, Dr. J. H. Walton, and myself left Fig. 43. THE SOUTH FORK OF THE FLATHEAD RxvgR, MONTANA Columbia Falls August 15 and returned September 9. The camp sites referred to in the notes are located as follows with regard to Columbia Falls: River- side, 20 miles; Coalbank, 40 miles; Cabin Parks, 55 miles; Spotted Bear, 65 miles; and the Gorge, 75 miles. Conditions were not ideal for an intensive study of bird-life. Owing to the time of year birds were very quiet; while on the trail there was little opportunity to run down those not in clear view; and no collecting was done for the elucidation of subspecific identities. While quite familiar with the bird-life of the mountains of Colorado, this section was new to me, and I have not, therefore, given subspecific names where there appeared reason to doubt the form belonging in the region. The valley of the South Fork is one of the large 'unoccupied forested