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For Bale, Exchange and Want Co/umn.--Any Cooper Club member is entitled to one

advertising notice in each issue free. Notices of over ten lines will be charged for at the rate of ten cents per line. For this department, address W. LE ClaimeRS, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, Cali]ornia. WANTEo---For cash: The Condor, vol. 11, nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6; vol. 12, no. 1. Am offer- ing the following for cash: Bull. Cooper Orn. Club, vol. 1, comi)!ete except no. 6; The Con- dor, vols. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, complete.--W. B. SAMPSON, .q16 Kohl Bldg., Ban Francisco, Cal. FOR SALE OR EXCHAXGE--For best offer, the following odd numbers of old magazines and publications. Take any or all. Auk, vol. 2, no. 1; vol. 6, complete; vol. 7, nos. 1 and 2. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, vol. 8 entire. Avifanna, vol. 1. no. 2. Nidologist, vol. 3, no. 8. Osprey, vol. 1, nos. 1, 5, 7; vol. 2, no. 1. Birds of Ontario by Hamilton Associa- tion 1886. Pac. R. R. Reports, vol. 9, 1858; Birds by Baird.--J. R. PF.XREaTON, Colton, CaliL EXCHANGE DE$IRFDI wish to exchange sets and bird skins from this locality for specimens not in my collection. Correspond with--VRIGtlT M. PIERCE, BOX 343 , Clare- mont, Calif. FOR SALt--Osprey, vols. 1 to 5, complete; and other bird magazines; or will exchange for eggs in sets with good data.--C. M. Cxs, 16 Burton Bt., Hart]oral, Conn. EXCtIAm;E--I have over 50 copies of Bird- Lore, from 1904 to 1916, from which the col- ored plates have been removed, any two of which will be given in exchange for plates at present missing in the series. Or will exchange Alaska specimens for same.- GEO. G. CANTWELL, Puyallup, Wash. WANing---A1 sets of the following, nests with smaller kinds and down with ducks: A. O. U. nos. 17, 113.1, 114, 135, 142, 143, 151, 165, 249, 292a, 340, 399, 424, 439, 73, 574, 622c, 623, 626, 634, 646b, 682, 713a, 726b, 759a, 759d, and many others. I can offer in exchange rare A1 sets from' the north- west and elsewhere.--J. Hoopla Bowrigs, The Woodfrock, Tacoma, Wash. WArV.---' "The Blue Bird," vol. 6, nos. I and 2, published at Cincinnati, Ohio, by Dr. Eugene Swope; Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club, vol. I, any odd nos.---V. 1, CHAZrS, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, Cali]ornia. Foa SALE--Photographs and lantern slides, plain or colored, of birds, nests and eggs, and fiowers.--THOMS H. JACXSON, Franklin Bt., West Chester, Pa. Foa SALE--Complete files of Condor and Bird-Lore; also duplicates of Auk, vols. ? to 30.--l_mm. Tnrpgg, 16 to. Dewey Bt., Philadellhia, Pa. WANing--Good lantern slides of birds. I have a small exchange list of the same, or will pay reasonable cash prlce.--J. L. SLOANAKER, Kalispell, Montana. Foa SALE---Condor, vols. 15, 16, 17; over 200 copies Oologist; also egg cabinet and Ithaca 20 ga. shot gun.--J. H. RCHE, 77 W. Dakota Bt., Pasadena, Califi FOR SALF-,--Complete file of Condor, in- cluding original volume one, unbound. Make me an offer for the set.---H. T. CLXr0, 509 E. Walnut Bt., Pasadena, Calif. NEWLY BOUXD copy of Avifaunas nos. 1 to 6, to exchange for same unbound in first- class condition. Printer by mistake trimmed copies, while I-desired them entire.--M S. RAY, 2.0 Market Bt., Ban Francisco, Calior- ia. WArrgo--29th and 30th Quarterly Report, Penn'a Board of Agriculture, March, 1886; containing 'qirds of Chester County, Penna.", prepared by C. J. Pennock. I will pay any reasonable priceF. L. Beruyn, Pa. BIRDS ---NESTS ---EGGS Thc Ooloist is one of the oldest publi- cations in the UnitedStates devoted to these. It is now in its thirty-third year. If you are interested, subscribe now. Only Fifty Cents per year. The Oologist, Lacon, Ill.

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