May, 1916
MINUTES O1 COOPER CLUB MEETINGS 135 pro gem. On motion of Mr. Robertson the members voted to hold election of officers before considering other business matters. Mr. Daggett moved that the acting Secre- tary be instructed to cast the affirmative vote of the club for officers for the ensuing year as follows: President, Dr. L. H. Miller; Vice-President, J. Eugene Law; Secretary, L. E. Wyman. Motion carried. Nominees declared elected and immediately assumed office. Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved, followed by reading of the minutes of the January meeting of the Northern Division, and of minutes of both December and January meetings of the Inter-Mountain Chapter. New members were elected as follows: S. Harrison Eaton, North Bend, Ohio; Geo. L. Fordyce, Youngstown, Ohio; H. H. Cleaves, New Brighton, N.Y.; Norman DeWitt Betts, Madison, Wis.; A. H. Vilas, Santa Barbara, Calif.; and Thomas Stevenson Bradlee, Boston, Mass. New names pre- sented, to be voted on at the March meet- ing: Webster Robinson, Los Angeles, by Mr. Swarth; Norman H. Wood, Ann Arbor, Mich., and Donald D. McLean, Coulterville, Calif., by W. Lee Chambers; Curtis Wright, Jr., Berkeley, Calif., and H. W. Daniels, Claremont, Calif., by H. C. Bryant; Edna A. Hannibal, San Jose, Calif., by J. O. Sny- der; Harold E. Hansen, San Francisco, Calif., by Tracy I. Storer; Edmund C. Jae- ger, Palm Springs, Calif., by C. O. Esterly; and Edward Howe Forbush, Boston, Mass., by W. Leon Dawson. The Business Managers' report for 1915 was submitted, but owing to the lateness of the hour it was held over for reading and consideration at the next meeting. Pres. Miller reported receipt of a letter relative to the resignation of Dr. W. P. Tay- lor as Cooper Club representative on the Executive Committee of the California As- socated Societies for the Conservation of Wild Life. On motion of Mr. Law, second- ed by Mr. Robertson, it Was voted that Mr. Tracy I. Storer be appointed to filr the vacancy. Motion carried. There being no further business the members and visitors listened to an inter- esting and instructive talk by Mr. W. Leon Dawson on the "Testimony of the Egg and the Task of Comparative Oology." Mr. Dawson presented in a clear and forceful manner numerous scientific angles of Oology which are unknown to fhe average collector and unfamiliar to many of those more advanced in this science. Adjourned. --L. E. WYMAN, Secretary. INTER-MOUNTAIN CHAPTER The Inter-Mountain Chapter of the Cooper Ornithological Club, met at Salt Lake City, Utah, March 8, 1916, in the office of Dr. D. Moore Lindsay, Boston Building. Meeting opened at 8:30 P.M., President Chambers in the chair. Members in attendance were: A. D. Boyle, Prof. J. H. Paul, J. Sugden, Jr., Mr..and Mrs. J. A. Mullen, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Treganza, and four visitors. Min- utes of the February meeting read and ap- proved. A letter was read by the Secretary rela- tive to development of National Parks, specifically Yosemite. Motion was made by Dr. Lindsay, seconded by Prof. Paul, that the Secretary be authorized to write Sen- ators Sutherland and Smoot and Congress- men Mays and Howell recommending this motion. President Chambers gave a brief summary of the mortality of bird life in different counties of the State owing to the severe winter, and the method of feeding the wild birds. Recommendation was made to formally ratify and endorse the Game Commissioner's work in restricting the cat and establishing bird sanctuaries. Recom- mendation was made that an educational leaflet be prepared for publication by the State Department of Agriculture, spec'al reference to be made to bird protection and season and flight of migratory birds. Motion was made, seconded by Dr. Lind- say, that the President be author'zed to ask assistance from Boy Scouts relative to,pro- tection and violation of game laws. A.D. Boyle was appointed to lay the matter be- fore the. Scout Masters. Suggestion was made that the Secretary write Dr. Plummer relative to cats as bird destroyers; also notify C. Barnes to assist on publicity work. Motion was made that a special meeting be held for March 15th. Meeting adjourned 10:00 P. M.--MRs. A. O. TREOAZA, Secretary. An informal meeting was held March 15 with President Chambers in the chair. Eleven members and ten visitors were in attendance. The subject under discussion was Bird Migration. Mrs. Treganza read from Wells W. Cooke's "Bird Migration". President Chambers spoke of the Salt Lake Valley as' lying within an important migra- tion route, recounting many species noted. Three specimens of Avocet were brought in. An informal discussion followed. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P. .--MRs. A. O. TRE- GANZA, Secretary.