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lor Sale, lxchange and Want Column.rain this space members

oi the Cooper Club are allowed one notice in each issue free of charge. Notices of over ten lines will be charged for at the rate of ten cents per line. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but not for sale. For this department address W. LEE CHAMBIRS, Eagle 2Yock, Los Angeles County, California. A CROWDED LIBRARY compels the sale of the following desirable books: Dugmore, Wild Life and The Camera, 4to, cloth, Illust., 1912, $2.00; Knight, Birds of Maine, 4to, cloth, Illust., 1912, $3.00; Dixon, Our Rarer Birds, 4to, Iliust., 1888, $1.50; Seton, The Arctic Prairies, 8yD., cloth, 1911, hfft. and cuts, $2.00; Silloway, Some Common Birds, cloth, 1897, $1.00 ;Bonhote, Birds of Britain, many beautiful colored plates, $2.00; Kear- ton, Our Rarer British Breeding Birds, many delightful half-tones, cloth, 8DO, 1899 (cover 'faded), $2.00; MacIlwraith, Birds of Ontario, 4to, cloth, 1894, $1.00; Barrows, Michigan Bird Life, hftt, cloth, 1912, $3.00; Zeledon, List of the Birds of Costa Rlca (in Spanish), paper, 60c; and others.--REv. P. B. PEr, BODY, Independence, Iowa. FOR SALE--Complete file of Condor, in- cluding original volume one, unbound. Make me an offer for the set.--H. T. CLIFTON, 509 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, Calif. I WANT to hear from reliable collectors of eggs in sets. Am offering Bald Eagle, Carolina Junco, Cairns Warbler, Bewick Wren, Osprey, Seaside Sparrow and many others. Also a few copies of my book, "Birds of Virginia", for sets, lantern slides or cash.--HARoLD H. BAXLrY, 319 5 St., lqewport lqews, Virginia. WANTD--29th and 30th Quarterly Report. Penn'a Board of Agriculture, March, 1886; containing "Birds of Chester County, Penna.", prepared by C. J. Pennock. I will pay any reasonable price.--F. L. BtmNs, Berwyn, Pa. FOR EXCHAIGE--Very fine skins of Michi- gan waders and warblers for western or de- sirable sets.--$. CLXRE WOOD, 179 17th Street, Detroit, Mich. WTEo--Skins of Flammulated and Dwarf Screech owls in exchange for north- ern matefiat such as Queen Charlotte Island Jay, Northwestern Sawwhet Owl, Richard- son Grouse, Hepburn Leucosticte, Bohemian Waxwing, etc.--J. A. MUNBO, Okanagan Landing, British Columbia, Canada. WA1TEO--Loomls's California Water Birds No. IV, for which I will pay any reasonable cash price.--W. E. CLYDE TODD, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa. BLuE-BIRD---Published in co-operation with The Cleveland Bird-Lovers' Association, and devoted to Bird Study and Conservation; $1.00 a year; 10 cents a copy; Agents Want- ed. Address EDITOR BLUE-BraD, 1010 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. To EXCHANGE--For bird skins not at pre ent represented in my collection: Coues Key to lq. A. Birds; Ridgway's Manual of lq. A. Birds; U.S. Executive Document No. 91, Explorations from Mississippi Riw' to Pa- cific Coast, 1853-1856, Birds, by Spencer F. Baird, 995 pages. Over 50 odd copies of ornithological mag- azines to exchange as a lot for last four issues of The Auk. Viz: 15 copies OcliDeist, Vol. 7 to 13; 15 copies Osprey, Vol. 1 to 2; 11 copies Nidiologist, Vol. 3 to 4; 10 copies Museum, Vol. 1 to 2.---GEo. G. CANrWEL, Puyallup, Wash. WXTEO.--Loomis's **California Water Birds" number V; "The Blue Bird," vol. 6, nos. 1 and 2, published at Cincinnati, Ohio, by Dr. Eugene Swope; Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club, vol. I, any odd nos.--W. LEE CHAXBERS, Eagle Rocl:, Los Angeles County, California.

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