A report of the finances of the Club, rendered by the business managers, Messrs. Chambers and Law, was read by Mr. Grin- nell. The report was accepted and placed on file, and on motion of Mr. Mailliard a committee of two was appolntel by the President to draw up a resolution express- ing the Division's appreciation of the effi- cient and self-sacrificing services of Messrs. Chambers and Law in conducting the business of the Club. Mr. Mailliard and Dr. W, F. Bade were appointed on this committee. The President announced that at the re- quest of the other two officers of the Divi- sion he had assumed the work which Dr. Taylor had been obligedto give up in re- signing from his position as Chairman of the Permanent Committee on Conservation of Wild Life and as Cooper Club representa- tive on the Executive Committee of the Cal- Ifornia Associated Societies for the Conser- vation of Wild Life. By unanimous vote of the Club, Mr. Grin- nell was re-elected Editor of THE CONDOR, and Messrs. Chambers and Law as Busi- ness Managers. The business of the evening having been disposed of, Mr. Mailliard presented a very interesting account of the "Gulls at the Pan- ama-Pacific International Exposition", illus- trated by skins and by a large number of lantern slides, which showed the increasing tameness of the different species, and their surprising attitudes as caught by the cam- era. Dr. Bade reported that two Mockingbirds had been seen repeatedly during the winter in Berkeley. AdJourned.--AMELiA S. ALLEN, tecretary. I NTER-IOUNTAIN CHAPTER DECEHBER.--The Inter-Mountain Chapter of the Cooper Ornithological Club, met at Salt Lake City, Utah, December 14, 1915, at the residence of A. O. Treganza. Meeting called to order at 8:30 P. ., Vice-President J. A. Mullen presiding, and the following members in attendance: A.D. Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mullen, J. Sugden, Jr., J. Sugden, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Treganza. Minutes of November meeting read and ap- proved. The evening was spent in a study of local breeding shore birds, and lookfng over the Treganz a series of oological specimens of this family. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P. M.--MRs. A. O. TREOANZA, Secretary. JANUAR.--The Inter-Mountain Chapter of the Cooper Ornithological Club, met at Salt Lake City, Utah, January 11, 1916, in the office of Dr. D. Moore Lindsay, Boston Building. Meeting called to order at 8:30 P.M., with President Chambers in the chair. Minutes of the December meeting read and approved. Members in attendance were: Prof. J. H. Paul, A.' D. Boyle, J. Sugden, Jr. and Sr., Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mullen, Mr. and Mrs. A. O Treganza, Fred W. Chambers, Dr. D. Moore Lindsay. The business of the evening consisted in voting a change of meeting night, as the second Tuesday of the month made it im- possible for many of the members to be present. Motion made by J. A. Mullen, sec- onded A.D. Boyle, that meeting night be changed to the second Wednesday of the mdnth. Passed. President Chambers gave a very interest- ing talk on game sanctuaries he was en- deavoring to create; also summarizing Work that had been done in those already estab- lished. Professor J. H. Paul spoke of his pro- jected plans presented to the school board broadening the scope of bird study in the public schools. Mrs. A. O. Treganza read a poem "The Sage Thrasher", by R. H. Palmer of Poca- tello, Idaho. President Chambers extended an invita- tion to the club to visit his fish hatcheries in the immediate future. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 r. tary. FERRUAR.--The Inter-Mountain Chapter of the Cooper Ornithological Club, met at Salt Lake City, Utah, February 9, 1916, at the residence of J. Sugden. Meeting assem- bled at 8:30 P. ., with Vice-President Mul- len in the chair. Members in attendance were: Dr. D. 'Moore Lindsay, J. Sugden, J. Sugden, Jr., Prof. J. H. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Treganza, A. IJ. Boyle, J. A. Mullen; visitors were Miss Jeremy and Mrs A.D. Boyle. Minutes of the January meeting read and approved. A most enjoyable evening was spent in looking over the entomological and oologi- cal collections of Mr. Sugden and his son, listening to their highly interesting account of the metamorphoses of insect life, and explanations of many tropical and foreign species. Later the members adjourned to the dining room where Mrs. Sugden had provided a most delightful luncheon. Ad- journed 11:30 P. II.--MRS. A. O. TREGANZA, Secretary.