Mar., 1916
MINUTES OB COOPER CLUB MEETINGS 91 President appoint a committee of three to consider the matter, and that this commit- tee would be permitted to make recommen- dations to the Commission without first re- porting to the Division. The committee comprises: W. P. Taylor, chairman, J. Grin- nell, and T. I. Storer. Business being disposed of, the Division listened to a talk by Mr. Joseph Grinnell on "The Distributional Behavior of Some Birds in the Yosemite Region". The speak- er brought out the complementary nature of the ranges of a number of groups of Frin- gillidae and then displayed a series of lan- tern slides showing photographs of various birds of the Yosemite region. Adjourned.- TRAcY I. STORER, crctary. JANUARY.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Or- nithologlcal Club was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, California, January 20, 1916, at 8 P. r. President Joseph Mailliard was in the chair with the following members present: Mesdames Al- len, Grinnell, Klugel and Schlisinger, the Misses Atterbury, Culver, Gunn, Swezy and Wythe, and Messrs. Bryant, Carriger, Dan- iels, Dixon, Grinnell, H. E. Hansen, Kendall, Newberry, Storer, W. P. Taylor, Wheeler, and Wright. Mesdames Dixon, Newberry and Stone were among the visitors present. The minutes of the December, 1915, Northern Division meeting were read and approved, and those of the Southern Divi- sion and Inter-mountain Chapter were read. The following were elected to membership: Miss Edna A. Hannibal, Harold E. Hansen, Curtis Wright, Jr., and seven persons pro- posed at the Southern Division in Novem- ber, 1915. Applications for membership were received as follows: Miss Alice F. Crane, 314 Cherry St., San Francisco, and Miss Augusta H. Blanchard, 246 Perry St., Oakland, both proposed by Miss Susan B. Culver; Mrs. Charles S. Newhall, 2629 Pied- mont Ave., Berkeley, proposed by Mrs. Jas. T. Allen; also six applications received'at the Southern Division December 1915 meeting. Resignations were read and accepted from L. R. Kessing and Miss Louise LeBris. Dr. Walter P.. Taylor presented his resig- nation as Chairman of the Permanent Com- mittee on Conservation of Wild Life and as Cooper Club representative on the Execu- tive Coinmittee of the California Associ- ated Societies for the Conservation of Wild Life, to date from February 20. The resig- nation was accepted. The Secretary read part of a letter from Mr. Chambers urging all Club members to participate in an attempt to increase the membership roll. The special committee appointed at the December meeting report- ed that it h as recommended to the Califor- nia Fish and Game Commission that in the interests of conservation scientific collec- tors be denied the privilege of collecting the American and Snowy Egrets. Mr. Jos- eph Grinnell was nominated for Editor of THE CONDOR during 1916, and Messrs. W. Lee Chambers and J. Eugene Law as Busi- ness Managers. On motion by Mr. Wright it was declared the sense of those present that the Division should meet in San Fran- cisco in the near future. Election of officers resulted as follows: President, Tracy I. Storer; Vice-President, H. W. Carriger; Secretary, Mrs. Jas. T. Allen. The program of the evening was then presented. Mr. W. C. Newberry gave an in- teresting account of the "Nesting Habits of the Wren-tit", based upon intensive obser- vations made in Berkeley during April, 1915. Mr. R. S. Wheeler gave an interest- ing account of "Oological Collecting Experi- ences on the Gila River in April, 1915", and showed a number of slides illustrative of the region visited. Adjourned.--TRAcY I. STORER, 'ecretary. FEBBUY.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Or- nithological Club was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, California, February 17, 1916, at 8 P. . President Tracy I. Storer was in the chair, with the following members present: Mesdames Al- len, Ferguson, Grant, Grinnell, Kluegel, Schlisinger; Misses Crane, Culver, Gunn, Miller, Wythe; Messrs. Anderson, Bade, Bolander, Carriger, Evermann, Grinnell, Hansen, Lastreto, Joseph Mailliard, Ohl, Rankin, Ray, Swarth and Wright. Mrs. Anderson, Miss ,Davicson, Mr. Jacobsen, Mrs. Swarth, Miss Newlon, Mr. Schlisinger and Mr. Snow were among the visitors present. The minutes of the January, 1916, North- ern Division meeting were read and ap- proved. The following were elected to membership: Miss Alice F. Crane, Miss Augusta Blanchard, Mrs. Charles S. New. hall, and six persons proposed at the South- ern Division meeting in December, 1915. Mrs. Nellie C. Knappen, 2844 Webster St., Berkeley, was proposed for membership by Mrs. J. T. Allen.