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seen. A few days later they became common. During the month of May, 1913, nine nests were found, all in spruce trees, ranging from eighteen inches to five feet from the groun.d. The first young to hatch was on the 5th. Fresh eggs were found as late as the 20th. Between April 10 and 17, 1914, several were seen gathering nesting mate- rial about the buildings at Netarts. Nuttallornis borealis. Olive-sided Flycatcher..This large flycatcher is a very com- mon resident on the hills about Netarts Bay. During May, 1914, several were seen each day. A few were seen and others heard at Tillamook during June, 1914. Myiochanes richardsoni r[chardsonl. Western Wood Pewee. These birds are com- mon in the alder groves along Wilson and Tillamook rivers during the summer. One was seen at Netarts August 31, 1912. Empidonax difficllis difficilis. Western Flycatcher. Common in alder and willow groves throughout the entire district. One was collected on the Netarts sandspit on September 10, 1912. Empidonax trailll tra[11[. Tratll Flycatcher. Common in brushy pasture land dur- ing May and June. Otocoris alpestris strigata. Streaked Horned Lark. On February 7, 1915, three of these birds were found and two collected on a small grassy field on the Netarts sand- spit. The following day the third one was taken. This is the only record we have of the occurrence of this species on the coast. Cyanocitta steller[ carbonacea. Coast Jay. These jays are very common all over the wooded section of the country. They are very conspicuous during the fall and win- ter, but as the nesting season approaches they become more retiring and are not often seen during June and July. Perisoreus obscurus obscurus. Oregon Jay. Two of these birds were collected at Netarts on September 10, 1912. On December 27, 1912, and January 9, 1913, they were common in the heavy timber between Netarts and Tillamook, and a few' days later sev- eral were seen near Batterson on the Nehalem River. Corvus corax sinuatus. Raven. Ravens are of regular occurrence all over the country. They were usually found along the Netarts sandspit in winter and were com- mon in Tillamook Valley during May, 1913. Corvus brachyrhynchos hesperIs. Western Crow. Crows are abundant in the agri- cultural districts through the county. During the Winter months large flocks congre- gated on the mttd flats during low tide in Tillamook, Nehalem, and Netarts bays. Sturnella nelllecta. Western Meadowlark. This beautiful songster is found the year around in the agricultural districts. Two were seen at the north end of the Netarts sandspit several times during February, 1915. Euphallus cyanocephalus. Brewer Blackbird. Common at all times. A nest found May 15, 1913, was five feet up in a small spruce in a pasture ad contained four newly hatched young. Carpodacus purpureus californicus. Caltforn'ia Purple Finch. Very common sum- mer resident in the more open woods wherever I have been. They are especially notice- able during May and June when the males are in full song. On January 8, 1913, one was seen perched on the topmost twig of a small spruce on the camp ground at Netarts. Loxia curvirostra minor. Crossbill. Crossbills are common residents in the spruce forests of Tillamook County. During September, 1912, immature birds were collected where they were feeding amongst the seaweeds along the Shore of Netarts Bay. During the winter months large flocks of these birds congregate in the dwarf lodgepole pines growing on the Netarts sandspit. On July 6, 1914, several were seen at Bayocean. As a usual thing these birds are very tame and will allow one to approach within a few feet of them when they are feeding in the pines. Astrallalinus trlstls sa[icarnans. Willow Goldfinch. I found this species common in the cultivated areas around Tillamook during May, 1913, and Murte records them as common on. the Netarts sandspit between September 6 and 10, 1913. Pooecetes Ilrarnineus affin[s. Oregon Vesper Sparrow. A few were seen along the roadsides near Tillamook during May, 1913. Spinus pinus. Pine Siskin. Common resident over the entire county. On April 10, 1914, they were common between Tillamook and Netarts. During September, 1912, they were common around Netarts, where they were feeding on the seeds of the Scotch thistle. On August 16, 1914, they were found in flocks along the Nehalem Beach road.

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