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Sea Gulls at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition (with twenty-one photos by the author) .............................................................. Joseph Mai!liard 41 Characteristic Birds of the Dakota Prairies IV. On the Lakes ........................ ......................................................................................... Florence Merriam Bailey 54 The Farallon Rails of San Diego County (with four photos by Donald R. Dickqy and the author) .......................................................... Latrence tl. H-uey 58 The Nutcrackers of YelIowstone Park .............................................. M.P. Skinner 62 A Chapter in the Life History of the Wren-tit (with two photos by Tracy I. Storer) ................................................................................... Walter C. Newberry 65 The New Museum of Comparative Oology ........................ William Leon Dawson 68 Notes on Some Land Birds of Tillamook County, Oregon....Stanley G. Jewett 74 FROM FIELD AND STUDY: A Note on the Food of the XVestern Robin ................ Aretas A. Saunders 81 Slight Extension of Range of San Diego Titmouse ........ J. Eugene Law 81 Nature of the Occurrence of the Rose-breasted Grosbeak in Humboldt County, California .................................................................. C. H. Gilbert Additional Notes on the Birds of Kootenai County, Idaho__Henry J. Rust 81 Plumage of the Young Male Red-shafted Flicker....Aretas A. Saunders 82 Concerning Vernacular Names of Passer domesticus._..H.H. Mitchell 82 Auburn Canyon Wren: an Objection ...................................... A. B. Howell 82 A Ne Fly-trap .................................................................... W. Lee Chambers 83 Mexican Ground Dove at San Diego ......................................... dtenry Grey 83 Au Early Record of American Scoter for California .Chas. W. Richmond 83 Mexican Ground Dove, %Vestern Grasshopper Sparrow, and California Cuckoo at Escortdido, San Diego County, California..Josep Dixon 83 Ring-necked Duck near Corona, Riverside County, California .................. ............................................................................................ Wright M. Pierce 85 Odd Performance of a Flicker with a Malformed Bill ...... J. Eugene Law 85 The Old-squaw in West-central California .............. _John iV. Mailliard 85 Additions and Changes to the Summer Birds of Flathead Lake, Mon- tana .............................................................................. Aretas A. Saunders 85 Nesting of the Western Bluebird at Ventura, California ............................ ............................................................ Ralph Arnold and J. R. Perubarton $6 The Belted Kingfisher Wintering in Fresno County ........ John G. Tyler 86 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEVS ................................................................................ 87 PUBLICATIONS REVIEXVED ...................................................................................... 88 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS .......................................................... 90 ]Entered as second-class matter February. 1908, at the post.ffice at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station), California, under Act of Congress of March $, 1879. Issued from the Office of THg COXOR. First National Bank Building, HollywOod, California MEETINGS OF THE (00PER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB SOt'THnN DIViSiOX: At the Museum of History, Science. and Art, Exposition Park, Los Angeles. Time of meeting. 8 r. a., the last Thurs- day of every month; or on the Tuesday evening preceding, when the last Thursday falls on a holiday. Take south-bound ear from town; on Spring Street, the ear marked "University", on Hill Street the ear marked "Ver- monl and Georgia". Get off at Vermont Avenue and Thirty-ninth Street. Walk two blocks east to Exposition Park. Tile Museum is the building with the large dome. NORTIIEtN DlVlSlOX: At the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Uni- versity of California, Berkeley. Time of meeting, 8 P..., the third Thursday of every month. Take any train or ear to University Campus. The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology is a large corrugated iron building situated on the south side of the earnpus immediately north of the foot- ball bleachers.

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