For Bale, Exchange and Want Column.--Any Cooper Club member is entitled to one
advertising notice in each issue free. Notices of over ten lines will be charged for at the rate of ten cents per line. For this department, address W. L. CArBRS, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, alifornia. FOR SLE---Complete files of Condor and BirdsLore; also duplicates of Auk, vols. 7 to 30.--LAURE TREPER, 136 lqO. Dewey t., Philadelphia, Pa. WArEO--Good lantern slides of birds. I have a small exchange list of the same, or will pay reasonable cash price.--J. L. SLOANAKER, Kalispell, Montana. FOR SXrE--Con5or, vols. 15, 16, 17; over 200 copies Oologist; aiso egg cabinet and Ithaca 20 ga shot gun.--J. H. RicrY, 77 W. Dakota Bt., Pasadena, Calif. WANTED---Fine sets wih data, no nests: 292, 292a, 365, 385, 389, 401, 422, 424, 430, 474, 474c, 474e, 474m, 481, 486, 491, $15b, 543, 551h, 551m, 589, 591-1, 591-1a, 599, 607, 615, 633b, 652a 565, 675, 701, 715, 717a, 719d, 726c, 741a, 742, 742a, 742b, 759d. Address: --D. W. Hoxm, Peace Dale, R. L FOR SALE--Complete file of ConSor, in- eluding original volume one, unbound. Make me an offer for the set.--H. T. Crro, 509 E. Walnut Bt., Pasadena, alif. WAwzo--Skins of Flammulated and Dwarf Screech owls in exchange for north- ern material such as Queen Charlotte Island Jay, Northwestern Sawwhet Owl, Richard- on Grouse, Hepburn Leucosticte, Bohemian Waxwing, etc.--J. A. Mvao, Landing, British Columbia, Canada. WArD--29th and 30th Quarterly Report, Penn'a Board of Agriculture, March, 1886; containing "Birds of Chester County, Penna.", prepared by C. J. Pennock. I will pay any reasonable price.--F. Berwyn, Pa. WA'rzv.---Loomis's "California Water Birds" number V; "The Blue Bird," vol. 6, nos. 1 and 2, published at Cincinnati, Ohio, by Dr. Eugene Swope; Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club, vol. I, any odd nos.--W. 1,1,, CrABEIIS, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, California. FOR S--Photogrphs and lantern slides, plain or colored, of birds, nests and eggs, and flowers.--ToAs H. JAckson, $0 N. Franklin Bt., West Chester, Pa. WNTro--Ridgway's Manual of lqorth Am- erican Birds. Will pay eash.--Fu.oA LUFDEM'N, BOX 105, LoS Gatos, Calif. Wmr--A1 sets of the following, nests with smaller kinds and down with ducks: A. O. U. nos. 17, 113.1, 114, 135, 142, 143, 151, 165, 249, 292a, 340, 399, 424, 439, 573, 574, 622c, 623, 626, 634, 646b, 682, 713a, 726b, 759a, 759d, and many others. I can offer in exchange rare A1 sets from the north- west and elsewhere.--J. HOOPER BOWLrS, The WOOdgtock, Tacoma, Wash. WA.TEV---Loomis's California Water Birds No. IV, for which I will pay any reasonable cash price.--W. E. CLYDE TO, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa.