Vol. X'VII1 September minutes of the Northern Divi- sion, and the September and October min- utes of the Inter-Mountain Chapter. New names. were presented as follows: Eugene F. Clark, Los Angeles, by A. E. Colburn; Mrs. $. S.. Locke, Whittier, and Kenneth Price, Whittier, by A. Cookman; H. E. Cox, Redondo, by W. Lee Chambers; Lilian Zech, Long Beach, and Myra Drachman, Long Beach, by C. B. Linton. The unexpected presence of Mr. E. W. Nelson gave the Club an opportunity of hearing in some detail of the present status and probable wbrkings of the "Migratory Bird Law". Mr. Nelson spoke at some length on this subject, to an intensely inter- ested audience and one greatly appreciative of the occasion. Many questions were asked, and much informal discussion followed. Ad- journed.wH. S. SWART', ecretary. NOVERZ.--The regular meeting of the Southern Division was held at the Museum of History, Science and Art, Friday evening, November 26, with President Law in the chair, and thirty-three members and visit- ors in attendance. The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved. On motion the reading of the last minutes of the Northern Division, and of the Inter- Mountain Chapter, was dispensed with. New members were elected as follows: Eu- gene F. Clarke, H. E. Cox, Lllian Zech, Myra Drachman, Mrs. $. S. Locke, and Kenneth Price. The following new names were proposed: Henry E. Parmenter, Bos- ton, Massachusetts, by W. Lee Chambers; Dr. C. G. Wiggins, Colton, by $. Bagley; Byron Cummings, Tucson, Arizona, by Mrs. $. W. Wheeler; Professor Samuel Ritten- house, Los Angeles, by A. Cookman; Miss Faith Swift, Los Angeles, by Dr. L. H. Mil- ler; W. A. Brouse, Los Angeles, and A. B. Dickinson, Los Angeles, by H. S. Swarth; Adele Lewis Grant, Columbia, California, Mrs. Sophie E. Gay, Sacramento, and Leo Wiley, Palo Verde, by H. C. Bryant. Routine business disposed of, the remain- der of the evening was devoted to an exhi- bition of lantern slides by Mr. William R. Flint, of Pasadena Much of the subject matter was of eastern species, but there were many pictures of local birds also, of special interest and excellence. The Club is indebted to Mr. Flint for a most enjoy- able evening. Adjourned.--H. S. SWARTH, ecretary. DrcEsEs.--The regular meeting of the Southern Division was held at the Museum of History, Science and Art, Thursday even- ing, December 30, with thirty members and visitors in attendance. In the absence of president and vice-president, Dr. L. H. Mil- ler acted as chairman. The November min- utes were read and approved, followed by the reading of the Northern Division min- utes for December. New members were elected as follows: Leo Wiley, Mrs. Sophie E. Gay, Adele Lewis Grant, A. B. Dickin- son, W. A. Brouse, Miss Faith Swift, Profes- sor Samuel Rittenhouse, Henry E. Parmen- ter, Dr. C. G. Wiggins, and Byron Cum- mings. The following new names were presented: S. Harrison Eaton, North Bend, Ohio, George L. Fordyce, Youngstown, Ohio, H. H. Cleaves, New Brighten, New York, and Norman de Witt Betts, Madison, Wis- consin, all proposed by W. Lee Chambers; and A. H. Vilas, Santa Barbara, and Thomas Stevenson Bradlee, Boston, Massachusetts, presented by W. Leon Dawson. The secretary read a letter, forwarded from the Northern Division, received from Mr. H. W. Henshaw in acknowledgment of his election to honorary membership in the club. It being in order to nominate officers for 1916, this business was then taken up. After some discussion the following nqmi- nations were made: President, Dr. L. H. Miller, on motion by Mr. Law, transmitted through H. S. Swarth; Vice-President, J. Eugene Law, on motion of W. Lee Cham- bers; Secretary, L. E. Wyman, on motion by Dr. Miller. Business disposed of, the members settled down to enjoy a talk by Dr. Grinnell treat- ing of the birds of the Yosemite region. The slides exhibited were many of them of a novel type, prepared for ,a parcticular purpose which was explained in so,he de- tail. Besides having the pleasure of listen- ing to an entertaining general account of field work and observations in an especially attractive part of California, the members were privileged to hear annpuncement at this time of certain important discoveries and conclusions that will be published later on. Adjourned.--H. S. SWARTi, INTER-MOUNTAIN CHAPTER NowMm.--The Inter-Mountain Chapter of the Cooper Ornithological Club, met at Salt Lake City, Utah, November 9, 1915, in the office of Dr. D. Moore Lindsay, Boston Building. Meeting called to order at 8:30 r. ., President Lindsay in the chair, and the following members present: C. Barnes, J. Sugden, J. Mullen, Mrs. J. Mullen, F. Chambers, D. Moore Lindsay, A. O. Tregan- za, Mrs. A. O. Treganza. Minutes of the October meeting read and approved. The business of the meeting consisted in the election of officers for the ensuing year. Those elected were: Fred W. Chambers, President; J. A. Mullen, Vice-president; Mrs. A. O. Treganza, Secretary and Treas- urer; C. Barnes, A. O. Treganza, Editing Committee; D. Moore Lindsay, J. Sugden, Program Committee; J. H. Paul, Win. Wrathall, Investigation and Publicity. A very interesting paper, "A Trip to Hat and Egg Islands of Great Salt Lake," by Mr. R. H. Palmer of Pocatello, Idaho, was read before the Club by Mrs. A. O. Treganza. Mr. Fred Chambers gave a most interesting short talk on successful trout fishing. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 r. .--Ms. A. O. TmOAZA, Secretary.