Philadelphia to the Coast in Early Days, and the Development of Western Ornithology Prior to 1850 .......................................................... Witmet ktone 3 Characteristic Birds of the Dakota Praries. IH. Among the Sloughs and Marshes .................................................................... Florence Merriam Bailey 4 New and Interesting Bird Records from Oregon .................... ktanley O. Jewett 21 A Personal Supplement to the Distributional List of the Birds of California ............................................................................................ William Leon Dawson 22 FROM FIELD AND .STUDY: House Finch or Linnet? ..................................................... lunius Henderson 30 Shearwaters on San Francisco Bay ................................. 1ohn W. Mailliard 30 A Golden-crowned Sparrow Lost on Mount Shasta....W.J. 17hamberlin 30 Late Nesting of the Arkansas Goldfinch .............................. J. /L Appleton 30 An Unusual Nest Addition (with drawing) ................. .Harold M. Holland 31 A Record of the Golden Plover in the State of Washington..J.H. Bowles 31 A Note on the Food of the Northern Pileareal Woodpecker..H. 17. Bryant 32 Occurrence of Emperor Goose in Northern California ........ 17arl k. Muller 32 Townsend Solitaire in the San Jacinto Mountains ............... .H. kL kwarth 32 Auburn Canyon Wren, a Preferable Name for Catherpes mexicanus punctulatus .......................................................... William Leon Dawson 33 Notes from the San Bernardino Mountains, California ............................ .......................................................................................... Wright M. Pierce 34 White-winged Scorer in Klamath County, Oregon ............. .Harry Teltotal 35 Marbled Godwit in Colorado ............................................. lunius Henderson 35 The Pigeon Guillemot Nesting in San Francisco .......................................... ................................................................................... George W. chussler 35 The Coloration of Eggs ......................................................... 1). L hepardson 35 A Record of the Forbush. Sparrow in the State of Washington ................ ......................................................................................... .J. Hooper Bowles 35 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS .................................................................................. 36 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED .......................................................................................... 37 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ...................................... . ..................... 38 lntered as second-class matter February, 1908, at the post. ffice at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station), California, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Issued from the Office of THE CONDOR. First National Bank Building. Hollywood. California SEPARATES Separates of articles in TE CONDOR will be furnished by TE NACE PRZZCa'ING COIPAN, 171 W. Santa Clara St., San Jose, Calif., at the fol- lowing uniform rates. All orders for separates must accompany manu- script, and be written plainly at the head of the article. No separates can be furnished gratis. No. of Copies 2 pages 4 pages 8 pages 12 pages 16 pages Cover and Title 25 $ .75 $1.25 $2.25 $3.50 $4.50 .75 50 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00 5.00 1.00 75 1.15 1.75 2.75 4.50 5.50 1.25 100 1.25 2.00 3.00 5.00 6.00 1.50