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lor Sale, Exchange axil Want Column.--In this space members

of the Cooper Club are allowed one notice in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but not for sale. For this department address W. LEE CHAIIBIRS, Eagle IYock, Los Angeles Counly, California. WA_Tgv--The address of H. H. Kimball now in California.--JoHN E. THAYER, Lan- caster, Mass. FOR EXCHA.-GE--A number of volumes of the Auk in original covers; also foreign and native bird skins, for A1 skins of western or foreign birds.--HE,'gY K. COALE, High' land Park, Ill. FOR SALEONDOR, 1907 to 1915; Oologist, 1907-1915; American Ornithologist, 3 vol- umes; a number of copies of The Warbler, Auk, Osprey, etc. Make offer or will con- sider exchange for mounted hummingbirds or Coleoptera (Buprestice). Correspond- ence lnvlted.--W. J. CaAMRERLN, BOX $6, Eta. A, Ames, Iowa. COLLECTORS having choice sets of Sparrows and Jays to exchange please write. Also want 334, 337a, 379, 379a, and many others. All answered.--A. E. PRICE, Grant Park, Ill. FOR S5.r--Ridgway's Birds of North and Middle America, vols. 1-6 inclusive, original wrappers: $20.00 fiet.--B. F. CASE, Tolland, Conn. Boos WATED--Loomls' "California Water Birds," part v. Will pay any reason- able price for a copy of this.--W. LEE CHA- BERS, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, Cali- fornia. FOR SALE--2 vols. Geological Survey of California, "Botany," 1876-1880; Journal of conchology, vols. 1, 2, 3, and 4, complete, bound in morocco, colored edition; Manual of conchology, vols. 1-6, complete, original covers and in very fine condition, colored editions. Plates carefully colored by hand by Geo. W. Tryon. Very desirable books for specialists or 11brarlea--EvA DAVIS, 339 E. Palmyra Ave., Orange, Calif. I WANT one copy each of "The Blue Bird", vol. 6, nos. 1 and 2, published at Cin- cinnati, Ohio; edited by Dr. Eugene Swope. --W. LEE CHAMBERS, Eagle Rock, Los Ange- les County, California. BOOK INFORMATION WANTED--Will each owner of complete files of the Auk look at first six volumes and see if they are the ones which bear the autograph of my father, H. B. Bailey, on the front page. If you know of the whereabouts of these volumes com- municate with me and oblige.--H. H. BAILEY, Vewport Vews, Virginia. W,ANTED--Copies of any of the follow- ing publications. Nidiologist, vol. 1, no. 2, Oct., 1893; Osprey, N. S., 1902, March, April and July; Oologist, May and December, 1897, April and September, 1899; Wilson Bull., no. 4, 1894.--B. H. SWES, Grosse Isle, Mich. WANTED--Complete sets of Wilson Bul- letin and Ornithologist & Oologist; also For- est and Stream before 1896.--JOHN C. PHL- LIrS, Windyknob, Wenham, Mass. TO EXCHANGE-Auk, vol. 22 (1905), in clean numbers for any vol. Auk in similar condition except vols. 16 (1899) to 26 (1909) inclusive.--B. F. CASE, Tolland, Conn. IDEAL GIFTS Aviary- and Cage-Birds Parrakeets Finches, Canaries Etc. Acclimated---Guaranteed Utiilty Pigeons: Homers of best strain Carneaux of merit Aviaries and Lofts planned and executed. Advice cheerfully given. JOHN SINGER, SAN GABRIEL, CALIF. R. F. D. Box 745 2 blocks east of Post Office, 2 blocks west of San Gabriel Blvd., on Broadway. Telephones: Alhambra 115

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