Woodpecker, Ant-eating, 152 Arctic Three-toed, 125 Batchelder, 125 Cabanis, 192, 194 Cactus, 151 California, 82, 183, 195 Downy, 44, 129, 223 Gila, 152, 233 Hairy, 44 Lewis, 152, 204 Mearns, 152 Northern Pileated, 125 Nuttall, 82 Pileated, 45 Red-bellied, 45 Red-headed, 45, 150 Rocky Mountain Hairy, 60, 125 Willow 195 Wren, Bewick, 55 Cactus, 89, 158 Carolina, 55 House, 228 Rock, 151, 196 San Joaquin, 196 Vigors, 80, 84 Western House, 55, 80, 95, 128, 165, 196 Western Winter, 28, 128, 167, 196 Winter, 55 Wren-tit, 80, 85 Intermediate, 84, 196 Wyman, L. E., a winter record for MacGil- llvray warbler, 102 Wythe, M. W., another record of the white- throated sparrow for California, 101 X Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, 126, 150, 204 Xenopicus albolarvatus, 163
Yellowlegs, Greater, 207 Yellowthroat, Maryland, 54 Western, 128, 151, 165 Z Zamelodia ludoviciana, 50 melanocephala capitalis, 80, 189, 201 melanocephala melanocephala, 128, 150 Zenaidura macroura carolinensis, 149 macroura marginella, 42, 87, 92, 123, 193 Zonotrichia albicollis, 49, 101 coronata, 201 leucophrys gambeli, 80, 127, 164, 188, 200 leucophrys leucophrys, 49, 59, 94 leucophrys nuttalli, 80, 188, 204 querula, 49, 80