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C(SNDOR Vol. XVII Western Yellow-winged, 99 White-crowned, 49, 59, 60, 94 White-throated, 49, 101 Yakutat Fox, 82, 201 Yakutat Song, 60 Spatula clypeata, 115, 122 Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea, 194, 233 Sphyrapicus tuber daggetti, 164 tuber rnber, 152, 233 thyroideus, 93, 164 varius daggetti, 152, 201 varius nuchalis, 93, 125, 152, 233 varius rubeL 201 varius varius, 45 Spinus pinus pinus, 48, 80, 94, 127, 199, 204 Spizella atrogularis, 60, 200 breweri, 233 monticola monticola, 49 passerina arizonae, 95, 127, 200 passerina passerina, 49 pusilia Pusilia, 49 Squatarola squatarola, 123, 207 Squires, W. A., nesting of wild ducks near San Francisco, 234 Steganopus tricolor, 166 Stelgidopteryx serripennis, 113, 150 Stellula calliope, 113, 125, 164 Stephens, F., Scott oriole at San Diego in the fall, 96 Sterna hirundo, 121, 206 paradisaea, .206 Stilt, Black-necked, 207 Storer, T. I., additional records of the Cali- fornia clapper rail and red phalarope in California, 98; review of Bailey's "handbook of birds of the western United States", 105; review of Cooke's "distribution and. migration of North American rails and their allies", 107; reviews of some recent publications of the Bureau of Biolog- ical Survey, 107; black-and-white warbler at Berkeley, California, 131 Strix occidentalis huachucae, 15 occidentalis occidentalis, 15, 59 varia varia, 44 Sturnella magna magna, 47 neglecta, 80, 93, 126, 130, 150, 199 Surf-bird, 207 Swallow, Bank, 128, 130, 196 Barn, 99, 128, 130, 150 CliO_f, 51, 80, 101, 128, 150, 196 Rough-winged, 113, 150 Tree, 51, 111, 128 Violet-green, 113, 196 Swan, Trumpeter, 115, 123 Whistling, 42 Swarth, H. S.. the status of the Arizona spotted owl, 15; an apparent hybrid between species of the genera Spat- ula and Querquedula, 115; review of E. M. Anderson's "report on birds of Okanagan Valley", and "report on birds of the Atlin Lake", and of Ker- mode's and Anderson's "report on birds of Atlin Lake", 133; California screech owl in the Humboldt Bay re- gion 167; scissor-tailed flycatcher in southern California, 203; western gull and arctic tern: corrections of rec- ords, 205; review of Grinnell's "a dis- tributional list of the birds of Cali- fornia", 237 Swift, Black, 8, 194 Chimney, 45 Vaux, 114, 164 White-throated, 150, 194 Synthliboramphus antiquus, 34 Tachycineta thalassina lepida, 113, 196 Tanager, Scarlet, 50 Summer, 50 W. estern, 128, 150, 165, 192, 199 Teal, Blue-winged, 115

Cinnamon, 115, 122, 166 

Green-wJnged, 122 Tern, Arctic, 206 Black, 121, 173, 207 Common, 121, 206 Least, 211 Thrasher, Bendire, 89 Brown, 55, 151, 223, 224 California, 83, 85, 192, 196 Crissal, 89 Lecon.te, 234 Sage, 234 Sonoma, 238 Thrush, Alaska Hermit, 129 Dwarf Hermit, 80, 85 Gray-checked, 56 Hermit, 56 Monterey Hermit, 192, 196 Olive-backed, 56, 110, 112, 129, 151 Russet-backed, 28, 84 Varied, 28, 80, 85, 129, 201, 204 Willow, 151 Wood, 56 Thryomanes bewickl bewicki, 55 bewlcki charienturus, 196 bewicki drymoecus, 196 bewicki spilurus, 80, 84 Thryothorus ludovicianus ludovicianus, 55 Titmouse, Plain, 84, 197 Tufted, 56 Totanus melanoleucus, 207 Towhee, 50 Abert, 88 Anthony, 100 California, 79, 80, 83, 85 California Brown, 192, 201 Green-tailed, 150, 165

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