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Nov., 1915

INDEX TO VOLUME XVII Sonora, 233 Regulus calendula calendula, 56, 95 calendula cineraceus, 80 calendula grinnellt, 201 satrapa olivaceus, 28, 84, 115, 129 satrapa satraima, 56 Riparia riparia, 128, 130, 196 Roadrunner, 87, 192, 193 Robin, 56, 65, 235 Northwestern, 28 Western, 60, 85, 95, 110, 129, 151, 165, 201, 204 Rust, H. J., an annotated list of the birds of Kootenai County, Idaho, 118 Salpinctes obsoletus obsoletus, 151, 196 Sanderling, 207 Sandpiper, Baird, 60 Pectoral, 114 Spotted, 123, 224 Western, 207 Western Solitary, 113 Sapsucker, Red-breasted, 201 Red-naped, 93, 125, 152 Sierra, 152, 164 Williamson, 93, 164 Yellow-bellied, 45 Saunders, A. A., the California shrike in Montana: a correction, 102; a sum- mer at Flathead Lake, Montana, 109 Sayornis nigricans, 80, 101, 196 phoebe, 46 sayus, 80, 125, 150, 201 Scardafella inca, 87 Scaup, 235 Lesser, 234 Scoter, Surf, 122 White-winged, 29, 114, 122, 223 Scotiaptex nebulosa nebulosa, 115, 125 Seiurus aurocapillus, 54 motacilla, 54 noveboracensis notabilis, 54, 151 Selasphorus alleni, 79, 130, 194 rufus, 26, 113, 125 Setophaga ruticilla, 55, 128, 151 Shelton, A., Yukutat song sparrow in Ore- gon, 60 Shepardson, D. I., the house finch as a para- site, 100; some extreme nesting dates, 130; the house finch again, 204; blue- bird nesting in low country, 206 Shoveller, 100, 115, 122 Shrike, California, 102, 130, 131, 192, 197 Migrant, 51, 102 Northern, 128 White-rumped, 60, 89, 150 Sialia currucoides, 95, 129, 151, 201 mexicana bairdi, 234 mextcana occidentalis, 129, 196, 206, 234, 235 sialis sialis, 57 SiIliman, O. P., range of the California clal- ler rail, 201; fork-tailed letrels de- layed by storm, 204; late migration of the cedar waxwing, 205; another Mexican ground dove for California, and other notes, 207 Simmons, G. F., with Rallus in the Texas marsh, 3 Siskin, Pine, 48, 80, 94, 127, 192, 199, 204 Sitta canadensts, 28, 80, 128 carolinensis aculeata, 128, 197 .carolinensis carolinensis, 55 lygmaea pygmaea, 112, 128, 197 Sloanaker, J. L., New Years Day bird cen- sus at Palisades, Mesa County, Colo- rado, 60 Smith, A. P., birds of the Boston Mountains, Arkansas, 41 Snipe, Wilson, 123, 237 Snowflake, 127 Solitaire, Townsend, 95, 113, 129, 165, 205 Sora, 123, 163, 233 Sparrow, Aleutian Savannah, 27 Baird, 48 Bell, 192, 200 Black-chinned, 192, 200 Brewer, 233 Chipping, 49 Clay-colored, 224 Dwarf Savannah, 187 English, 47, 60, 79, 94, 127, 201, 204 Field, 49 Fox, 50, 201, 238 Gambel, 60, 127, 164 Golden-crowned, 81, 85, 101, 201 Grasshopper, 48, 178 Harris, 49, 80 Intermediate, 80 Lark, 48 Leconte, 48 Lincoln, 50, 127, 150, 234 Merrill Song, 127 Mountain Song, 60, 95 Nuttail, 80, 101, 200, 204 Rufous-crowned, 80, 200 Rusty Song, 27, 82, 85 Santa Cruz Song, 81, 85, 200 Savannah, 48, 178 Slate-colored, 164 Song, 49 Stephens Fox, 164 Swamp, 50 Townsend Fox, 27 Tree, 49 Vesper, 48, 178 Western Chilping, 95, 127, 200 Western Grasshopper, 8 Western Lark, 8, 200 Western Savannah, 127, 201 Western Vesper, 94, 112, 164

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