Lanius borealis, 128 borealis invictus, 189 ludoviclanus excubitorides, 89, 150 ludovicianus gambeli, 102, 130, 197 ludovicianus migrans, 51, 102 Lanivireo flavifrons, 51 solitarius cassini, 111, 128, 197 solitarius solitarius, 52 Lark, California Horned, 131, 164, 196 Columbian Horned, 126 Desert Horned, 60 Larus argentatus, 204, 205 californicus, 74, 205, 240 delawarensis, 113, 121, 205 franklini, 96 glaucescens, 36 kumlieni, 185 occidentalis, 205 philadelphia, 96, 121 Law, J. E., Franklin gull: a new record for California, 96; a remarkable flight of sparrow hawks, 131 Leucosticte australis, 94, 216 tephrocotis tephrocotis, 150 Limosa fedoa, 98 Linnet, 80, 100, 204 California, 192, 200 Lobipes Iobatus, 123 Longspur, Chestnut-collared, 177 Loon, 203 Common, 121, 130 Pacific, 205 Red-throated, 121, 203 Yellow-billed, 130, 218 Lophodytes cucullatus, 59, 122 Lophortyx californica californica, 81, 193 californica vallicola, 206 gambeli, 86, 97 Loxia curvirostra minor, 27, 127 Lunda cirrhata, 29 Macrorhamphus griseus scolopaceus, 99 Magpie, 60, 93, 126, 150 Yellow-billed, 192, 198 Mailliard, J., the Kern redwing--Agelaius phoeniceus aciculatus, 12; further re- marks upon the Kern red-wing, 228; scaup ducks breeding in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, 235 Mallard, 41, 122, 225, 234, 235 Mareca americana, 102, 122, 166 penelope, 102 Marila, 235 Marila collaris, 186 valisineria, 232 Martin, Purple, 50, 228 Western, 196 McAtee, W. L., review of his "how to at- tract birds in nrtheastern United States", 107 Meadowlark, 47 Southern, 8 Western, 80, 93, 112, 126, 130, 150, 178; 192, 199, 223 Melanerpes erythrocephalus, 45, 150 formicivorus aculeatus, 152 formicivorus bairdi, 82, 183, 195 Meleagris gallopavo silvestris, 42' Melopelia asiatica trndeaui, 87 Melospiza georgiana, 50 lincolni lincolni, 50, 127, 150, 234 lincolni striata, 234 melodia caurina, 60 melodia melodia, 49 melodia merrilli, 127 melodia montana, 95 melodia morphna, 82 melodia rufina, 27 melodia santaecrucis, 82, 200 Merganser, American, 121 Hooded, 59, 122 Red-breasted, 122 Mergus americanus, 121 serrator, 122 Micropallas whitneyi, 233 Miller, L. H., dwarf cowbird in the San Die- gan region, 165; a striking plumage of the Western Tanager, 165; blue- bird breeding in Los Angeles, 166; pinyon jays in Los Angeles, 166; a walking eagle from Rancho La Brea, 179; a .convenient collecting un, 226 Mimus polyglottos leucopterus, 89, 151 polyglottos polyglottos, 55 Minutes of Cooper Club meetings, 61, 134, 170, 212, 239 Mniotilta varia, 52, 131 Mockingbird, 55 Western, 89, 151 Molothrns ater ater, 47 ater obscurns, 88, 165, 206 Morphnus daggetti, 179 Muller, Carl L., a northern winter record of the phainopepla, 129 Murre, California, 37 Murrelet, Ancient, 34 Muscivora forficata, 203 Myadestes townsendi, 95, 113, 129, 165, 205 Myers, H. W., a late nesting record for the California woodpecker, 183 Myiarchus cinerascens cinerascens, 196, 233 crinitus, 46 Myiochanes richardsoni richardsoni, 126, 150, 164, 195 virens, 46 Nannus hiemalls hiemalis, 55 hiemalis pacificus, 28, 128, 167, 196 Nelson, E. W., communication--a national bird census, 104