Pigeon, 44, 60, 124, 149 Red-shouldered, 43 Red-tailed, 43 Rough-legged, 124 Sharp-shinned, 43, 124, 149, 192 Sparrow, 44, 79, 93, 149, 192 Swainson, 43, 124, 131, 223 Western Red-tailed, 79, 93, 124, 149, 192 Western Sparrow, 131 Heath, H., birds observed on Forrester Is- land, Alaska, during the summer of 1913, 20 Heleodytes brunneicapillus couesi, 89 Helmitheros vermivorus, 52 Helodromas solitarius cinnamomeus, 114 Hen, Prairie, 174 Sage, 240 Herodias egretta, 42, 232 Heron, Black-crowned Night, 97 Great Blue, 73, 123 Green, 42 Louisiana, 57 Snowy, 97 Hesperiphona vespertina montana, 127 Himantopus mexicanus, 207 Hirundo erythroastra, 99, 128, 130, 150 Hornaday, W. T., review of his "wild life conservation", 106 Howell, A. B., California pine grosbeak in Mono County, and other notes, 206; (with A. van Rossem) additional ob- servations on the birds of the lower Colorado valley in California, 232 Huey, L. M., two birds new to California, 57; random notes from San Diego, 59 Hummingbird, Allen, 79, 130, 194 Anna, 79, 102, 164, 194 Black-chinned, 125 Calliope, 113, 125, 164 Ruby-throated, 45 Rufous, 26, 113, 125 Hydranassa tricolor ruficollis, 57 Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis, 121, 207 Hylocichla aliciae aliciae, 56 fuscescens salicicola, 151 guttara guttara, 129 guttara nanus, 80 . guttara pallasi, 56 guttara slevini, 196 mustelina, 56 ustulata swainsoni, 56, 110, 129, 151 ustulata ustulata, 28, 84 IbiS, White-faced Glossy, 211 Icteria virens longicauda, 151, 199 virens virens, 54 Icterus bullocki, 88, 126, 150, 199 cucullatus nelsoni, 101, 234 galbula, 47 parisorum, 59, 96 spurius, 47 Iridoprocne bicolor, 51, 111, 128 Ixoreus naevius naevius, 28, 80, 129, 201, 204 J Jay, Black-headed, 126 Blue, 47, 223 Blue-fronted, 58, 164 California, 79, 85, 164, 198 Coast, 192, 198 Long-crested, 93, 150 Pinyon, 59, 60, 164, 166 Rocky Mountain, 93' Steller, 82 White-headed, 126
Junco, Gray-headed, 95
Intermediate, 60 Montana, 115, 127 Oregon, 27 Pink-sided, 60, 95 Point.Pinos, 192, 200 Shufeldt, 60, 115 Sierra, 80 Slate-colored, 49 Thurber, 234 Junco hiemalis hiemalis, 49 hyemalis connectens, 115 hyemalis mearnsi, 95 hyemalis montanus, 115, 127 hyemalis thurberi, 234 oreganus oreganus, 27 oreganus pinosus, 200 oreganus thurberi, 80 phaeonotus caniceps, 95 Kalmbach, E. R., review of his "birds in re- lation to the alfalfa weevil", 108 , Kennedy, C. H., adaptability in the choice of nesting sites of some widely spread birds, 65 Kermode, F., with Anderson, E. M., review of their "report on birds of Atlin Lake", 133 Killdeer, 42, 60, 86, 92, 123, 149, 207, 224 Kingbird, 8, 46, 125, 150 Arkansas, 66, 150, 178 Eastern, 67, 178 Western, 88, 125, 196 Kingfisher, Belted, 44, 125, 193 Kinglet, Golden-crowned, 56 Ruby-crowned, 56, 80, 84, 95 Sitka, 201 Western Golden-crowned, 28, .84, 115, 129 Kite, Swallow-tailed, 42 White-tailed, 206, 230 L Lagopus ]eucurus leucurus, 92, 215