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Cowbird, 47 Dwarf, 88, 165, 206 Creeper, Brown, 55 Montana, 128 Tawny, 28, 192, 199 Crossbill, American, 27, 127 Crow, 47, 223 Northwestern, 27 Western, 126, 198 Cryptoglaux acadica, 26, 125, 150 funerea richardsoni, 125 Cuckoo, Black-billed, 44, 150 California, 150 Yellow-billed, 44, 223 Curlew, Jack, 207 Long-billed, 207, 237 Cyanocephalus cyanocephalus, 59, 164, 166 Cyanocitta cristata cristata, 47 stelleri annectens, 126 stelleri carbonacea, 82, 198 stelleri diademam, 93, 150 stelleri frontalis, 58, 164 Cypseloides niger borealis, 8, 9, 194 D Dawson, W. L., the nesting of the black swift:'a vindication, 8; Niagara at your door: an appeal to San Fran- ciscans, 19; early nesting of the Texas nighthawk, 96; the breeding of the snowy egret in California, 97; pink-footed shearwater on the coast of Washington, 101; supposed new records for Santa Cruz Island, 203; a notable occurrence of Pacific divers, 205; limicoline laggards at 'Santa Barbara, 207; communication from-- fair play for the collector: an open letter, 208 Dearborn, N., review of his "bird houses and how to build them," 108 Dendragapus obscurus richardsoni, 113, 123 Dendrocygna bicolor, 232 Dendroica aestiva aestiva, 110, 128, 151 aestiva brewsteri, 199 auduboni auduboni, 80, 95, 128, 199 cerulea, 53 coronata, 53 discolor, 54 dominica albilora, 53 magnolia, 53 nirescens, 83, .165, 199, 204 occidentalis, 235 pensylvanica, 53 striata, 53 townsendi, 83, 128, 201, 235 vigorsi vigorsi, 53 virens, 53 Dice, L. R., first specimens of Baird sand- piper from the state of Washington, 6O Dickcissel, 8 Dipper, American, 128, 192, 196 Directory of members of the Cooper Ornith- ological Club, 136 Dixon, J., a foe to Johnson grass, 204 Dolichonyx oryzivorus, 126, 199 Dove, Inca, 87 Mexican Ground, 207, 233 Mourning, 149, 223 Western Mourning, 42, 87, 92, 123, 131, 193 White-winged, 87 Dowitcher, Long-billed, 99 Dryobates nuttalli, 82 pubescerts homorus, 125 pubescerts medianus, 44 pubescerts pubescerts, 129 pubescerts turati, 195 scalaris cactophllus, 151 villosus hyloscopus, 194 villosus monticola, 125 villosus villosus, 44 Duck, Fulvous Tree, 207, 232 Harlequin, 29 Old-squaw, 29 Ruddy, 100, 102, 122, 234 Wood, 122, 207 Dumetella carolinensis, 55, 110, 128, 151 Eagle, Bald, 44, 124, 166 Golden, 43, 93, 193 Northe.n Bald, 24 Southern Bald, 193 Earnshaw, F. L., with Palmer, T. S., and Bancroft, W. F., review of their re- port on "game laws for 1914", 107 Editorial Notes and News, 61, 103, 132, 168, 208, 236 Egret, 42, 232 American, 211 Snowy, 97, 211 Egretta candidissima, 97 Elanoides forficatus, 42 Elanus leucurus, 206, 230 Empidonax difficilis difficllis, 26, 82, 167, 195 flaviventris, 46 griseus, 233 hammondi, 126 minimus, 47, 111 trailli trallli, 46 virescens, 46 wrighti, 126, 164 Ereunetes mauri, 207 Erismatura jamaicensis, 102, 122 Euphagus cyanocephalus, 94, 126, 150, 199, 229 Evermann, B. W., note on the feeding habits of the lflue-fronted jay, 58

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